Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Use your discernment and by all means....
Turtle Woman’s Automatic Writings

Monday, 6:36 a.m.

February 19, 2007

Such good is flowing in. The doors are finally opening and that which we have awaited is finally manifesting. Joy inside. Lovely joy just springs up at the most unexpected times.

The Vanguard has done their work. It is time for them to step back and breathe fresh air. What they have come to do has mostly been done with only residuals to be completed. It is their time for rest. The seeds were planted long ago. What was planted has matured and is about to come to fruition.

The paths widen between those who made their choices to live in the Light or be in darkness. You can not change the path for another. Each individual’s Free Will has sealed their fate. Those who have chosen to awaken and move into the Light will keep progressing upwards with greater speed as the doors open. It will become easier and easier for those who have matched the higher vibrations. The doors will slam shut and lock against those who have refused to awaken or who have abused power or chosen the paths of darkness. Their lives will continue to unravel and they will be miffed.

The dark ones are panicking as the doors start to slam shut in their faces. They slander, lash out against, and attack those who walk in Truth and the Light. They continue to use lies and side-long maneuvering to try to destroy those who stand in Truth and the Light. They disempower themselves through spite and viciousness. They give away their own power simply by not standing in Truth. They do not see they are not walking in beauty as long as they are in service to self. They hide behind arrogance. They are afraid now, as their misuse of power breaks apart their very foundations. The fall from being in service to self is long and hard. They scream and moan in the Light. They are in dire need of the healing of Grace.

The situation for those who walk in the Light will only continue to improve, no matter how much the dark ones launch offensives against them. The power of the Light is greater than that of the dark, and the dark can never win the battles it launches… it can only make the Light work more and for the Lightworkers to come together more to stand as One with Creator. The more the dark ones launch attacks, the more unified the Light becomes. We give them thanks for this!

The on going improvement in the well being and lives of the Lightworkers, the Tribe of 12 x 12, does not mean that challenges and problems will disappear. It means that they will simply pass through and beyond these things quickly. The solutions come quicker and faster. The negative situations will be more intense but will not “stick”. The Lightworkers have become Teflon. Nothing hard, negative, or permanently burnt sticks – everything washes clean easily. The doors to solutions are wide open. Old stuff is clearing out rapidly. That which is dark does not settle, but simply glances off, for it is ricocheting off the Creator’s Golden Light.

Those who have walked their talk in Truth are fully protected. The dark simply can not touch them, although it is trying hard. Those who walk in Truth with Creator and stand in the Light have become “bullet proof” from any real harm from the dark side. The dark ones are attacking more and more, yet those who walk in the Light with Creator simply can no longer be harmed. The protection is fully activated, above and below. This is not by chance but the result of the years of hard work put into raising the vibrations, within and without. If you have done your spiritual work, you are fully protected, no matter what the circumstances that present themselves.

Our friends in higher places are literally placing themselves between us and all threats. They still need to be invited to assist, so call on them several times a day. Give them carte blanche to work on your behalf for the Highest Good and according to Free Will. They will then be able to take care of situations instantaneously. That which needs to come to you now for your Highest Good is coming in full force. This time of intense challenge is short in duration and will turn around quickly in the not so distant future. Blessings from on high indeed. Walk in Knowing your path of Truth and Light is true and safe. Empower yourself, your Self and your Golden Light family above by giving them permission to act positively on your behalf, benefit, and Highest Good at all times.

Embrace this beautiful, challenging time we have entered. The darkness may have stepped up their activity, throwing everything they have at the Light, but they only waste their time and energy. This difficult vamping up and revving up of intense energy means your power in the Light for success for the Highest Good according to Free Will has vamped and revved up too.

This time of the greatest yin/yang means success is at your doorstep and the door is open. Invite it in. It means the time of reaping and harvest has come and that which each and every soul has set their mind to is manifesting. The gulf between those who reap great rewards and those who fall into their own pit are great indeed. Each soul will now start manifesting exactly what they have devoted their energies to. Your best dreams are finally arriving at your door.

Take this time and fully utilize it for your Greatest Good. Let the universe, the world, the life you’ve always wanted come into full manifestation. Give permission for your heart’s desires to be fully realized for Now on. The past, the darkness is vanishing from you from this point on as you continue to rise with the vibrations and become again the fully realized Light Being that you are.

The veil is so thin between you and your Self now. The surges of pure joy you are beginning to experience are your full connections to Self with no barriers. As these surges of joy increase in time and duration, you will suddenly come to the point where you will realize you’ve been standing at One in Self and Creator all along. You need never look back again. The veils will be fully gone. You will suddenly be home again in a nano second. And you will suddenly realize you’ve never actually been gone. It will be like suddenly awakening from a bad dream - because that is exactly what it is. You are not really here. You are “there” – and you always have been…

And until the moment you are fully aware that you are “there”, that you are home again, your journey from this point on will simply, exponentially, get better and better. You will manifest exactly what you want – not someone else’s version of what they have told you it will be – improving your life with each step forward and upward.

It is time to turn it all over to those loved ones above who remained at home as our lifelines. It is time to give them permission to act on our behalf, for our Highest Good and according to Free Will. It is time to give them permission to reel us in and help bring us home. And as long as we walk in beauty, which is in Truth and the Creator’s Golden Light, the journey will only get better and better, the vibrations rising higher and higher, the manifestations easier and purer. And, viola!, we will be suddenly home in the loving embrace of our heart’s and soul’s desires. Give our loved ones above permission now to help us in these final times in the Highest Good.

The Mother has already, like Elvis, “left the building”. She moved up and beyond into higher vibration. She has left 3D earth behind. She’s been gone since this past summer. Many have not realized it yet, as her “time” and our “time” do not reside in the same “time”. Slowly, the evidence of her soul departure will become quite evident. She has moved on into her higher vibrational Light body. For many months, some of the Vanguard have felt this “hollowness”. Some have felt the deep silence within the planet in her absence. The Mother had been silent for many months in preparation for her departure and now she is gone. The oceans of this world have started to die and the decay will continue to accelerate and spread more rapidly. The trees are losing their auras. There will be more mass animal die offs. The time has come to follow Mother’s example and rise with the vibrations with no resistance to hanging on to anything of the past.

Make each new nano second of your Now the next step up, manifesting each joy, each heart’s desire of the Highest Good, each deep soul longing as you go. All you have, all you’ve ever had is the very moment you are in. Now. Make that moment your very best. Your Now. Embrace it in the Golden Light of the Creator. Your Self, Creator, and home are here Now.

Reap your reward for service well done – for service to others instead of service to self. It is time for the second wave of Lightworkers to take over.

Thank you Vanguard for bringing higher consciousness into the mainstream, for standing in the Light for the Highest Good of All. Thank you for raising the vibrations by being the lightning rod for the Creator’s Light by both maintaining your connection with Self and Creator through meditation and by implanting the Light. Thank you for being the Voice and providing the physical vocal cords to make the call to Awaken and Be! Thank you for the honor you have bestowed on the Mother Earth and All Her Relations. Thank you, Vanguard, for the great sacrifice you have made to be here Now, to suffer through the lower vibrations for this great mission of upliftment and quantum advancement for All of Creation. Thank you for giving freely of yourself without violating Universal Law by having a hand out for payment or monetary reward for your work. Your time has come to rest and to reap the true rewards you have earned on high from Creator. It is time for all your dreams to come true. Bless you one and all. Home is so very near. The veil is so very thin. The rest is now out of our hands. Each will manifest their own.

Good job. Godspeed. Our personal joy begins. Blessings one and all!

Standing in the Golden Light of the Christ Power and the Violet Ray,

All My Relations in Love and Light,

Turtle Woman, Oma

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