--- A closet is a place to store things. A mind serves the same purpose. It's all there to select and mix and match, or if desired, to IGNORE. This closet contains the things I think. It is by sheer vanity and obsession that I share some of it. Look quick, cause I throw alot of this stuff away. The closet is the only constant and I'm not even sure about THAT. Anyways, welcome and I hope you enjoy your visit. ---Vim
Thursday, November 30, 2006
The calf was born during a severe lightning storm and has gone out the same way. Lightning denotes purification in the Native American tradition. It is more an uprighting of the upside down than anything. Correcting, yet disorienting.
Listen with your hearts and all will be well.
All blessings to you on this harrowing, yet fascinating journey,
LINK to the story: http://www.gazetteextra.com/whitebuffalo112706.asp
"The 5th Day is a period of “Light.” In fact the brightest period of “light in the entire cycle. In a plants life this is when new chemicals are produced that carry the message to form buds. In human history, it was this section when Art was invented, the message of Jesus moved over the earth, Mr. Einstein discovered the theory of relativity and America with the victory of WWI rose to world power." --Ian Xel Lungold
We are currently approaching the beginning of the Fifth day of the Galactic Underworld, November 24, 2006 and most people have experienced how things have heated up since the midpoint of the current night, May 27, 2006. In fact, the evolution of consciousness is fundamentally driven by the Light of future Heavens and Underworlds and so we are already now being influenced by it both in the form of world events and personal experiences.
In each of the Underworlds the Fifth day is the era of the breakthrough of the phenomena of that particular Underworld and from this we may have certain expectations of what is to come. The overall purpose of the current Galactic Underworld is to bring a balance between East and West as well as between the left rational and the right intuitive brain hemispheres.
In short, as it will mean a significant downfall of western dominance in the world it will allow for the coming together of the cultures of the East and the West. Very likely, it will generate a downfall of the American dollar and ensuing altered economic relationships in the world.
It also seems as if the days are the periods that bring the most earth changes and natural catastrophes and this will very likely also mark the coming day, November 24, 2006 – November 19, 2007. It simply seems as if when human beings are regaining their inner wholeness their control of the external world as a consequence is lost and the Fifth day is exactly such a period, which will create the conditions for such inner unity and wholeness.
Part of the development of this inner wholeness will come from a major step forward in the development of our intuition which essentially is mediated by the right brain half that is now about to be strengthened. In fact, without the development of this intuition we will not be able to use the increasingly shorter windows of opportunity that in different ways will be presented to us.
What there is to do is to fully accept and embrace the very significant energy shift that is now brought by the beginning of the Fifth day and I recommend people everywhere to celebrate on November 23-24 the arrival of the energy of Quetzalcoatl as part of the Breakthrough Celebration (www.breakthroughcelebration.com).
The Fifth day energy of the Galactic Underworld means that its manifestations will truly break through into the world and after this it will become apparent to everyone that we will never again return to the stable materialist mind set of the lower Planetary Underworld. We must welcome the shift that is now taking place in the global energy field and the opportunity it gives us to create balance between East and West, rationality and intuition and man and woman.
For most people the Breakthrough Energy of the Fifth day will be the most powerful transformative energy that they experienced as part of the divine plan. Let us celebrate and prepare together and above all be conscious of the changes that we may now expect based on the Mayan calendar.
Carl Johan Calleman, 11 Chicchan, 7.16.5 of the Galactic Underworld (October 19, 2006) Lelystad, Netherlands cjcalleman@swipnet.se
Thursday, November 02, 2006
It is basically a list of events that are occurring in the world, mostly political upheaval and earth changes.
The list concludes with an abrupt resolution of the turbulent conditions we see around us.
I wonder about it's cause...
The thing I wonder about it the LEAP that must occur between the last two stages listed.
What happens to shift everything.
I know that the Controllers/Masters of the present system... their power rests squarely on the backs of the people.
And that our ignorance and oppression keeps us in our place.
Something must happen within the psyche's of the people for this leap to take place.
I think it may have something to do with Fear and our rising above Fear.
Much of what we do and accept, we do and accept out of fear of consequences.
Some of the bravest people I know are ones who have gotten to the point where they say "what more can they do to me?" or "I've got nothing to lose..." people who no longer resist the fates but go at it full bore...people who look their fears in the face and then move past them.
This is happening.
In our daily lives and in the greater world.
Things are being unmasked.
We are more Knowing about in the workings of the inner and outer worlds.
Our heart rates are slowing down and we are more sure of ourselves.
There is a Native tribe that teaches its children that when they are having a nightmare... like being pursued in a dream... if they will turn around and go INTO the thing that is pursing them, the thing will disappear and where it was, they would find a treasure.
The treasure of that last stage... Phoenix flying free... may hinge on just that sort of process.
If we will look at the whole thing, our fears within and the fears without... if we will stop and face them with all openness and perhaps even innocence, then just perhaps, we will find the peace on earth that so many of us anticipate.
Just some thoughts,
“Crouching/Massive Revolts & Government Turnaround -- Taxation refusals, war resistance, policy disagreements within government body, major upheavals within governments.
“Flying Free/Rise of the Age of Peace --- Total equality among people, discontinuance of all meat ingestion, construction reforms, cessation of most severe natural disasters, pollution-free energy innovations by way of the Earth’s magnetic field, rise of the Indian nation through widespread adaptation of its Ways of natural living and deep human philosophy.”