I have been re-reading predictions made for years past and am not too amazed to find that many did not come true as predicted, while predictions that general trends would continue DID. It is tricky business to predict the future. Even wise astrologers remind us that "we are more than our stars." We have choice and good sense to guide us through the times. That being said, I will jump into the predictive fray here with my take on the coming year:
Everything's OK.
The Beat Goes On...
#1 Birth-Life-Death will go on as before, but SOME of us will quit fighting it.All in all, I think we're gonna be OK. And we will meet back here again in a year and compare notes and find that we are making it through the changes as well as can be expected. Some of us will even thrive. So HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone and may your year bring you all good things for the BEST kind of world we can construct.
#2 Love will keep happening, though some of us will find it in new and unusual places.
#3 Likewise, many of us will find happiness in new and unusual places, by giving up on our old definitions.
#4 Some of us will take Nemesis' advice and see more of our life's happenings with gratitude.
#5 As a result our lives will smooth out from within.
#6 Old and useless aspects of our lives will continue to fall away.
#7 We will let some friends go, but we will find new ones that are better suited to who we are becoming.
#8 Some of us will finally travel while others will finally get to stay home.
#9 The grass will continue to grow and we will continue to mow ;-)
#10 Some of the well will get sick, some of the sick will get well.
#11 Angels or a facsimile of such will continue to watch over us.
#12 Renovation of the world will continue and we'll quit fighting THAT too.
#13 Many will upgrade and be happy about it.
#14 Many will downsize and be equally happy about it.
#15 Ideas and thoughts will flourish but some of us will take them less to heart as we continue to learn to think for ourselves.
#16 Healthy dis-ILLUSION-ment will continue as we rely less and less on what we BELIEVE and rely instead on what we KNOW.
#17 Many will FIND themselves, unless, of course they LOSE themselves.
#18 We will continue to beat loudly on the doors of our own souls in an effort to wake ourselves up and some of us will succeed.
#19 Some will quit looking for the answers where they AREN'T.
#20 Many will FIND The Answer where it IS.
Everything's OK.
The Beat Goes On...