Five days in to the events unfolding in New Orleans.
Five days of watching the apparent incompetence of the powers that be.
Five days without water.
Five days without food.
Fives days of watching ourselves fading away at the Superdome.
And that’s it.
Citizen rescuers have gotten off of their couches,
filled their trailers, vans, anything they can find with food and water.
Down the road they go.
If it’s going to get done we will do it.
A breakthrough.
We learned to defer early in our lives.
Our creative juices put aside for coloring between the lines.
Numbers and letters straight as an arrow.
No room for flare.
Mother knows best.
Teacher knows best.
Uncle Sam knows best.
‘God’ knows best.
“Do what we say.
Think what we think.
Give us your power and we will take good care of you.”
Reversing the creative flow.
‘Inward out’, becoming ‘outward in’.
And we defer.
Someone else will do it.
Someone else will take care of it.
Then we watch and we read and the Myth of Reward by Deferment becomes shattered.
The Cavalry does not arrive.
No one is listening.
No one is there.
But WE are there.
WE are listening.
We hear ourselves.
We hear our own cry.
And we answer.
“For as much as you have done it unto the least of these my brothers, you have done it unto me… And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward.”---Jeshua ben Joseph
--inspired by word that private citizens are now bringing food and water to the souls stranded in a dying New Orleans
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