Don't know if you saw the first film, but the Addendum explains the present monetary system and why it HAS to fall in order for us to evolve freely. I am putting it out to you as an FYI.
The effect this film had on me was to SEE a new kind of life superimposed over this old one. I guess it is about awareness. Krishnamurti said that to understand is to transform that which IS. We can do that within ourselves. A world without money, where all have access to all and all express freely the gifts that are given IS a possibility.
One of the AHA's I gained through this film is a possible reason why lightworkers have had such a hard time charging $ for their services. Perhaps this would be another topic altogether. But in MY heart I KNOW that my gifts are just that... GIFTS. The fact that our lives are tied to the Monetary System, puts a cramp in my style. But what if that system were no longer in place. It worked in the Tribal pardigm! Our Native American ancestors lived quite well without it. Just a thought.
The last scene before the credits is an amazing portrayal ofvAwareness becoming Aware. It is worth seeing in and of itself.
Anyways, here is the link:
Use your discernment.
Take what works and leave the rest.
DISCLAIMER: I don't endorse anything except awareness. If this contributes to that, so be it. If not, awareness comes by another form. It's all the same. We carry on, V
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