Sunday, January 15, 2006

Titanic is Sinking... Let It!

Here's some advice for a changing world... Read this when you find yourself screaming at the television set...

Lots of sh*t IS happening. An OLD system of life is on its way out. It is fighting for survival just like our own egos are fighting to stay on top as we morph into the next phase of our evolution. It is uncomfortable, but it isn't BAD. The ship is going down by some sort of collective agreement. The 'BAD guys' are only speeding the process for us.

So what to do when ya find yerself on a sinking ship? DO SOMETHING? Well, yes, but fighting for control of the ship is NOT one of them. They can HAVE their sinking ship. Best thing would be to find a suitable lifeboat and all things related. Gather up suitable companions for the Drifting Times, and pray for a quick rescue. We can be OK in the midst of all this upheaval. Shift happens. Let it.


1 comment:

Christina said...

As one who yells at the TV on a semi-regular basis, I appreciate your view on what's happening around us today. Let it sink? Hard to do when you really love the planet but are so disappointed with the people. Peace!