Friday, October 17, 2008

Navagraha Chant

As the astrology gets a bit dicey in the coming months, this ancient Sanskrit chant calls the planets by name and honors them. His Holiness Sri Ganapati Sachchidananda Swamiji has advised us to do this chant to ward off the negative effects of the planets. I am sharing this in hope for our well-being in the coming months.

Namassuryaaya Chandraaya Mangalaaya Budhaaya Cha
Guru Shukra Shanibhyascha Raahave Kaetave Namaha

Jaya Guru Datta

Sri Swamiji
photo by Vimala

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A Take on the World Economic System, and a Possible Future... After the Fall...

Don't know if you saw the first film, but the Addendum explains the present monetary system and why it HAS to fall in order for us to evolve freely. I am putting it out to you as an FYI.

The effect this film had on me was to SEE a new kind of life superimposed over this old one. I guess it is about awareness. Krishnamurti said that to understand is to transform that which IS. We can do that within ourselves. A world without money, where all have access to all and all express freely the gifts that are given IS a possibility.

One of the AHA's I gained through this film is a possible reason why lightworkers have had such a hard time charging $ for their services. Perhaps this would be another topic altogether. But in MY heart I KNOW that my gifts are just that... GIFTS. The fact that our lives are tied to the Monetary System, puts a cramp in my style. But what if that system were no longer in place. It worked in the Tribal pardigm! Our Native American ancestors lived quite well without it. Just a thought.

The last scene before the credits is an amazing portrayal ofvAwareness becoming Aware. It is worth seeing in and of itself.

Anyways, here is the link:

Use your discernment.
Take what works and leave the rest.

DISCLAIMER: I don't endorse anything except awareness. If this contributes to that, so be it. If not, awareness comes by another form. It's all the same. We carry on, V