Tuesday, January 31, 2006

FOX News in my Soul...

We are surrounded by disinformation. Everything is re-written and presented in a way so as to control our responses. The great psychological operation continues. Everyone huffing and puffing about things that don’t really matter while things that DO matter roll along unhindered. Not that knowing the truth would matter much at all. The masters of deception must be having a field day.

‘Lies’ without reflect ‘lies’ within and that’s what bothers me. What lies? What are we buying that the ego wants us to believe but is not true? What response is it after in us? Are we giving the responses it wants? Are we falling for lies? Have I fallen for lies? Manipulation? Am I presently in a state of manipulated-ness? What is the truth? I am not sure of myself or anything about me. I am not sure I’m in the right place or right frame of mind. What if we are all satisfied FOX news watchers as far as our very Lives are concerned? That we’ve bought the psychological party line…hook, line, and sinker. And we are most miserably deceived. What do we perceive as OK when it’s really not?

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Decay: The Common Destiny

The Indian spiritual teacher who gave me my name Vimala was visiting the Nazca lines in Southern Peru a few years ago. He told the group with him that this had once been a thriving place but that the civilization had collapsed due to it disregard for animal life in the area.

"Today we have the same problem. Instead of animals we are killing people. Today the compassion levels have greatly decreased". When asked if there was a way to solve the present condition, Appaji replied, "No. It is His will," and pointed to the sky. "It is a cycle of creation and devastation. New creation will come and God will give us another chance again."

Similar words were given by Chief Seattle in 1853. The changes are here. They are part of life. We can witness and praise the process.

“But why should I mourn at the untimely fate of my people?

Tribe follows tribe, and nation follows nation, like the waves of the sea.

It is the order of nature, and regret is useless.

Your time of decay may be distant, but it surely will come.

For even the white man, whose God talked with him as friend with friend, cannot be exempt from the common destiny.

We may be brothers after all.

We shall see.”

Chief Seattle, in December 1853

"Year of the Dog" May Bite Mankind... Remedy

My recommendation is to take all dogs to obedience school, treat them well, keep them clean and well-fed, let them sleep with you ['cause that's what dogs like] and in the end they will treat you well and you will breeze through the year with little problem. Above all, FEAR NOT.
Happy New Year,


Jan. 24, 2006. 10:04 PM

(AP) — The Year of the Dog is named after man's best friend, so it should be a better year for humanity, with fewer earthquakes, wars and other nastiness, right?

Probably not, said Chinese fortune tellers who are predicting the new Lunar Year, which begins Jan. 29, will bring more epidemics, terrorist attacks and a worsening of North Korea's nuclear crisis.

"In general, it doesn't look good. It will be just as bad" as last year, said Hong Kong soothsayer Alion Yeo.

The Lunar New Year is the biggest festival for Chinese — about one-fifth of the world's population. As they shop for new clothes and the freshest foods from the market in preparation for the festivities, many Chinese also snap up fortune tellers' guides to see what the Year of the Dog has in store for them.

"The Year of the Dog is a year of strong fire," Yeo said.

"That represents hill fires, for example, and military conflicts."

Japan and the Koreas, in particular, could be the source of military clashes and could see an aggravation of the nuclear crisis involving North Korea.

Famous dogs include pop stars Jennifer Lopez and Madonna, Hollywood director Steven Spielberg, tycoon Donald Trump, former U.S. president Bill Clinton and current President George W. Bush, along with his father.


Monday, January 23, 2006

It's OK to be Wrong...

I am in the interesting position of being able to observe folks who are still hanging on to the party line and "official version" of life on planet earth. And in observing, it seems that the thing that stands in the way of there being any shift off of that view is this fear of being wrong.

It isn't easy to admit that. I guess it is part of the pre-conditioning we all received with the grading system in math class and the heaven-hell scenerio of Sunday school. There is a right and there is a wrong side to everything. A+ is preferred and sought after. Heaven seems "cooler" than hell;-). It's nice when God likes ya.

So people hold to their positions, no matter how off they may be shown to be because for them it has been the right and correct version. So that being said, it appears that in the case of beliefs, being WRONG has the greater valor. To be able to admit a wrong ALLOWS for a rearranging of beliefs or thoughts into something that may actually be better in the long run. To be able to replace beliefs, beloved as they are, with evidential knowledge is even better.

Ya gotta hold these things with an open hand -- not get too settled. As Truth goes, in personification, it seems that Real and Noble Truth will allow itself to be surpassed. Truth will allow itself to be changed. It will not insist. It will flow like the river. It will keep up with you. As our servant rather than our master. I may be a bit off on that, but the fact remains that until we are secure enough and clear enough to allow the possibility of Mistakeness into the realm of possibily, we are gonna remain stuck.

Oh... by the way, the great Riddle of God is that Everybody is Right. You do know that don't you? I know, so why am I saying this here and now? Hey, I can be WRONG, too can't I??? ;-)


Thursday, January 19, 2006

Wearing George Harrison's Jacket...

I had a dream last night that I was wearing George Harrison's jacket and holding his guitar and was getting ready for a show in which I was to be HIM. Not sure what it means. But I felt like I was up for it. The insane part about it is if ya look at my home page... well, look at it and you'll see what I mean [ click ]. See??? Now what do ya suppose I'm trying to tell myself with THAT one. I mean it for an allegory, but my dream seems to make it real. It's all mixed up like that anyway. What we wear is what we are and how we describe what we wear is really describing who we are. Can they be separated? Aren't they trying to come together? We sort and classify ourselves out of existence. This is this and that is that. But really, it all just IS and we move around in it and it in us. We'd be well-advised to make peace with all of it. It's all us. Nothing gets left behind. The flight will go smoother if we quit fighting...

Monday, January 16, 2006

MLK: "Beyond Vietnam," or Should We Say Iraq?

"Here is the true meaning and value of compassion and nonviolence when it helps us to see the enemy's point of view, to hear his questions, to know his assessment of ourselves. For from his view we may indeed see the basic weaknesses of our own condition, and if we are mature, we may learn and grow and profit from the wisdom of the brothers who are called the opposition." ---Dr. Martin Luther King

Today we call the opposition, "The Insurgency." When WE were doing this back in the 1700's, we called ourselves Patriots. Go FIGURE! I still think one of the best teaching tools on the planet is TO TRADE PLACES with whoever or whatever we think of as "other/enemy/those people." The question of the hour is, do we even CARE to understand our fellow inhabitants on this mudball called Earth?

To understand more about the 'Vietnam War's' of history, Dr. King's speech is a good place to start.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Titanic is Sinking... Let It!

Here's some advice for a changing world... Read this when you find yourself screaming at the television set...

Lots of sh*t IS happening. An OLD system of life is on its way out. It is fighting for survival just like our own egos are fighting to stay on top as we morph into the next phase of our evolution. It is uncomfortable, but it isn't BAD. The ship is going down by some sort of collective agreement. The 'BAD guys' are only speeding the process for us.

So what to do when ya find yerself on a sinking ship? DO SOMETHING? Well, yes, but fighting for control of the ship is NOT one of them. They can HAVE their sinking ship. Best thing would be to find a suitable lifeboat and all things related. Gather up suitable companions for the Drifting Times, and pray for a quick rescue. We can be OK in the midst of all this upheaval. Shift happens. Let it.


Friday, January 13, 2006

Where to look...

When we look outside ourselves, everything fragments.
When we look within, everything melds into one.
When we look at both simultaneously, we've got the secret to life.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Would you please stop bee-ing so hard on yourself...

So if you turn off your life, if your turn off the Internet, the TV, and the radio, if you turn off your past and if you turn off your future, what’s left? That’s where it’s at. That’s where it all comes from. That is the seat of change and staying the same. That is the hub of creation. There is no God. He/she is ‘us.’ Each of us the center… each of us the manifestations. We are the figments of our own imagination. We are the first and the first-fruits.

If you doubt that or judge that or love that and celebrate that, that doubt/judgment/love/celebration is in there, too. It doesn’t matter. It is all the same. All valid. All real. All imaginary. It’s all colors of the rainbow. The bee can sting or it can feed you honey. All are equal choices; all are equal manifestations. None is more real than the others. The sun can burn or the sun can heal. OK? Which will it be? What would you like?

What happens “out there” tell you what’s going on “in here.” Be OK with it. We are good creators. Everything we do is OK. We paint good pictures. We are great creator-artists. We use all the colors. Dark, light, bright, dull, joyful, depressing and everything in-between. And we keep getting better and better at it. Love your paintings. Put them on display. Creators create creatively. Coloring within the lines is not required. Allow and be free.

Monday, January 09, 2006

"Chop Wood, Carry Water..."

"The Master sees things as they are,

Without trying to control them.

He lets them go their own way,

And resides at the center of the circle.

He/She understands that the Universe

is forever out of control,

And that trying to dominate events

Goes against the current of the Tao.

Be content with what you have;

Rejoice in the way things are.

When you realize there is nothing lacking,

The whole world belongs to you.”

~ Tao Te Ching.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

New Hearings for Andrea Yates...

The story of Andrea Yates is the story of any of us who has been beaten down by life, driven to a point of desperation, and then 'finished off' by the forces that drove us to the edge in the first place. Her conviction may have BEEN 'justice' but 'justice' was not needed in her case.

What was needed was a very good long hard look at MOTHERhood and family and all that we as a society have heaped upon it. Throw in impossible standards, undeserved "praise," glaring judgmental eyes, insensitivity, a willingness to abandon the uncomfortable, and we end up with a soup pot, ready to boil over with similar cases.

Not enough can be said about this case. Thankfully, the tide seems to be turning for Andrea. She is fully pardoned in my book.

Friday, January 06, 2006

New Blog: A Ranting Place...

I have birthed a new blog.
Lots of facets.
Lots of things I think I think.
We wear alot of chains, ya know.
Gotta take 'em off.
First gotta know they're there.
Blog to the rescue.
Check it out anyway!

Sunday, January 01, 2006

2006: What will be???

These are some of the better pre-views of 2006 that I have run across. Will add more as I find them so check back in here once in a while. All in all, we are more than our stars and any forecast should serve as a springboard for action. If we use our instincts, we can make the best of everything headed our way. Take care and may 2006 be a good one for ya.

by St.Clair
by Maya del Mar

by Karen Bishop of
What's Up On Planet Earth

by Mark Krueger of
scroll down to the fourth paragraph
for the yearly forecast
by Solara

The FUTURE: And the Beat Goes On...

Have been re-reading predictions made for years past and am not too amazed to find that many did not come true as predicted, while predictions that general trends would continue DID. It is tricky business to predict the future. Even wise astrologers remind us that "we are more than our stars." We have choice and good sense to guide us through the times. That being said, I will jump into the predictive fray here with my take on the coming year:
#1 Birth-Life-Death will go on as before, but SOME of us will quit fighting it.

#2 Love will keep happening, though some of us will find it in new and unusual places.

#3 Likewise, many of us will find happiness in new and unusual places, by giving up on our old definitions.

#4 Some of us will take Nemesis' advice and see more of our life's happenings with gratitude.

#5 As a result our lives will smooth out from within.

#6 Old and useless aspects of our lives will continue to fall away.

#7 We will let some friends go, but we will find new ones that are better suited to who we are becoming.

#8 Some of us will finally travel while others will finally get to stay home.

#9 The grass will continue to grow and we will continue to mow ;-)

#10 Some of the well will get sick, some of the sick will get well.

#11 Angels or a facsimile of such will continue to watch over us.

#12 Renovation of the world will continue and we'll quit fighting THAT too.

#13 Many will upgrade and be happy about it.

#14 Many will downsize and be equally happy about it.

#15 Ideas and thoughts will flourish but many will take less of them in as we continue to learn how to think for ourselves.

#16 Healthy dis-ILLUSION-ment will continue as we rely less and less on what we BELIEVE and rely instead on what we KNOW.

#17 Many will FIND themselves, unless, of course they lose themselves.

#18 We will continue to beat loudly on the doors of our own souls in an effort to wake ourselves up and some of us will succeed.

#19 Some will quit looking for the answers where they AREN'T.

#20 Many will FIND The Answer where it IS.
All in all, I think we're gonna be OK. And we will meet back here again in a year and compare notes and find that we are making it through the changes as well as can be expected. Some of us will even thrive. So HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone and may your year bring you all good things for the BEST kind of world we can construct.
Everything's OK.
The Beat Goes On...