Thursday, December 29, 2005

HARM NONE: Is this possible or advisable?

"First, do no harm" is part of the Hypocratic Oath. We are advised to do as we will, as long as we don't hurt anyone. Harm none.

But is this possible, probable or advisable.

Even a surgeon, in his effort to repair damaged organs, must first make an incision. This is harm. The body does not distinguish between a surgeon's knife or the knife of an attacker. It is a wound. It is 'harm' to the physical body.

"Do as you will as long as we don't hurt anyone." None of us will do this if we are being threatened, restricted or manipulated in any way by another.

Richard Bach, in his book Illusions, pointed this out. The messianic character conjured up a Dracula-type dude to make his point. The character wanted to drink the student-messiah's blood, in order to LIVE! The student said NO and threatened to deck the vampire if he came any closer... which would, of course, leave the vampire not only decked, but starving.

Ya see...? HARM.

If our desire for self-preservation, self-fulfillment, independence, whatEVER, requires us setting someone ELSE out of the way, then we will do it. Right? I can say this because I have spent alot of my energy TRYING to do no harm, and often to my own detriment. It is the tendency of many to try and please those deemed more powerful... to "take it", lest we hurt somebody.

HOWEVER, if someone steps on your toes and won't get off and you really want them off, you just might have to SHOVE them and SHOVING them might hurt them. The point being, if they are harmed in the process of the shoving, in essence they are harming themselves. I mean, they wouldn't get off your toes, now would they. "Harm none" can trap us if we aren't careful. Who else will be our champion if not we ourselves. Oh well...

Now if I can just figure out how all of this applies to life on planet earth, I'll let you know. In the meantime...

Do what you will... HARM if you HAVE to,


PS That being said, it is NEVER advisable to SHOOT ONESELF IN THE FOOT!!!

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Christmas and Earth Changes... is there a connection?

The following thread appeared before Christmas at the Earthboppin' EQ site. Seemed like a good one to share. It went something like this... [my thanks to Sandy and Sheila for their contributions to this thread]...

SANDY: Looks like a Christmas tree all lit up... [referring to the high eq activity indicated on the IRIS seismic monitor on Dec. 23]

VIM: Just wondering... if the outer world reflects our inner world, do you suppose these holiday seasons have become just too 'disturbing' for most of us. Alot of emotion gets packed into these few weeks. Obligation. Family dysfunction. Loneliness. An emphasis on loved ones we've lost over time.

Could it be that the inner traumas people face at holiday time are mirrored out into the earth? And that is why so many earth events happen this time of year. This is metaphysics, I know, but I'm thinking it and thot I'd mention it.
PS Skip the season if ya want to. Your peace is the peace of the world.

SHEILA: seems that many things come into play this year that are worth processing. First, the juxtaposition between material and spiritual, the former shouts out to buy "things" while the soul yearns for spiritual transformation.

Also, within my own world, there is this great need to help others less fortunate rather than choosing to gratify the material wishes of loved ones who already have too much.

Early this am, I watched a very interesting roundtable discussion on moral, ethical values and how they play out in everyday situations. For instance, do you give a homeless person money that might be used for booze, or withhold that much needed money because you are afraid they won't spend it according to your values. One person said Christ would give unquestioningly. Others said, cure the root problem of homelessness in this country.

I just read that in my small city, on any given night, there are at least 2500 homeless people. Nationwide 2 million people have been homeless at some time during the year. How do I process the glad tidings of the season knowing these facts?

Indeed, alot of emotions surface this season and how Mother Earth processes this energy ..... how I wish any of us knew.

Earth changes have been happening long before this young species called homo sapiens peopled it's surface.

75,000 years ago, Toba volcano exploded with such force, it killed off all but about 12% of our species, along with many other lifeforms. Who knows what factors came into play back then. Who knows now.

Yet, there is this certain feeling now that things are changing quickly, that collectively, the human race needs to find a common ground of peace and goodwill. I strive to find inner serenity not only to cope but to add to this collective conscious awareness. If emotions can affect elements like water, then it must be that our thoughts, feelings and doings, will certainly have consequences in the natural.

All of that said, it might be time to not "skip" the season, but to metamorphose it into a higher purpose, one soul at a time.

If the Yogis are right, that cause and affect create this world of Illusion, Maya, and that each soul finds it's freedom through an individual journey to enlightenment then each step of the journey is the process itself, not just the destination.

Vimala, you brought up so many thoughtful questions, and I did try to post a reply on your board, but does one have to be a blogger to do this? Anyway, am thinking out loud here, trying to fathom what if any, affects we do have on these earthly events. It sort of looks like a cycle of action, reaction to me.

Earth happens, we react, she reacts, we act, etc.

Last night, I asked God if there were any planets out there that are more stable, more amenable to life than Earth....she answered "that's for me to know and you to find out"!
Hmmm, back to the journey, one step, one precious moment at a time.


Friday, December 23, 2005

Matty: Is Life Really so HARD???

This post is amazing in that it comes from Ian Xel Lungold's widow Matty [Mayan Majix]. If ever life should seem hard or fearful, it should be for her, and yet she has spoken volumes in these few lines. Enjoy the read and take it to heart... May we be aware of our fears, and banish them with knowledge and gratitude of heart. This IS our time, our hour.
Be fearless,
Be EASY:-)

The ethics committee is gaining momentum, those who continue to reside within that ‘power’ station are losing ground, when they don’t have ‘fear’ to feed on, they will perish. . . so, when ever you find yourself being frightened, notice it, then you can create newly what you want, rather than what you don’t want. . . This is our time to ‘speak’ straight, LISTEN to yourself as closely as you listen to others. . . what I hear the most is; how HARD it is, “it’s so hard to change” well, yes, if you say so. . . look at that statement, is it hard to change? Is it really? Why would you make it so hard, who’s in there? Who’s speaking?

From the Oxford American Dictionary
1: Firm, not yielding to pressure, not easily cut. 2: difficult to do or understand or answer. 3: causing unhappiness, difficult to bear.

Is this the way you perceive yourself? I don’t think so. . .

So, drop that word, drop should, and why, drop ‘it can’t happen’, or 'it won’t happen', drop fear, get yourself a box, or a paper bag, write them down, say a prayer, give thanks for your life, and burn them, gather yourselves together; remember what the Hopi said, banish the word struggle from your attitude and vocabulary… this is our time, our time to gather our family, the fourth night is where the children step out and into the spot light, the bible said, “the children will lead us.”

The lessons are done, now, it’s for us to ‘remember’. . . knowing who you are, knowing, remembering that you are a spiritual being, having this human experience. . . we chose this time, we’ve chosen it because of the New World that we’re creating, you and me. . . remembering that LOVE is our foundation, the straight is so clear, whatever you’ve piled on top of the love, it’s time to peal it all off, polish it up, spit shine.

Make it so you can see your reflection, aah, the beautiful one is here, welcome back. . .


Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Winter Solstice: Here Comes the Sun...

Sun standing still.
Turning point.
Optimism returns.
Here comes the sun.

Sing it George...

George Harrison

Here comes the sun, do do do do,
Here comes the sun, and I say,
it's all right

Little darling,
it's been a long cold lonely winter
Little darling,
it feels like years since it's been here

Here comes the sun, do do do do,
Here comes the sun, and I say,
it's all right

Little darling,
the smiles returning to the faces
Little darling,
it seems like years since it's been here

Here comes the sun, do do do do,
Here comes the sun, and I say,
it's all right

Sun, sun, sun, here it comes,
sun, sun, sun, here it comes,

Sun, sun, sun, here it comes,
sun, sun, sun, here it comes,

Sun, sun, sun, here it comes

Little darling,
I feel that ice is slowly melting
Little darling,
it seems like years since it's been clear

Here comes the sun, do do do do,
Here comes the sun,
and I say
It's all right,

Here comes the sun, do do do do,
Here comes the sun
It's all right, it's all right

copyright Northern Songs

Tuesday, December 20, 2005


Be well
Be strong
Be powerful
For that is what you are.

Be real
See all
Be grateful
For that is WHY you are.

Peace within & without,

The Christmas that Wasn't...

I remember reading posts early on this year, that this would be the 'Christmas that wasn't.' Just wondering how that is playing out for everybody. My sister did not decorate this year. After losing her father-in-law, her grandmother-in-law, and her best friend's husband unexpectedly in death, they just don't feel like 'doing the season' this year. I don't blame them.

My dad's friend sells crafts at Christmas time. This year he is barely covering expenses. Money is tight for alot of people. Heating bills and gasoline prices notwithstanding. Benefit cuts here and salary cuts there have to put a damper on things.

I can't imagine that New Orleans will be too cheerful this season. And families of NYC transit workers are probably not too sure about things, either. The season is becoming a regular nuisance.

Dis-Illusion-ment can be a good thing. We go through the motions with alot of life's events. Is it bad to finally get tired of it? Tired of the constant bad news? Tired of the rat race? Tired of cheap stuff and temporary thrills and all of the emotional roller-coastering that goes with it?

So maybe someone somewhere will take the signs he/she is giving him/herself and ask that greatest, most expansive question of all...WHY? And when they ask, maybe the still, small voice that has failed to get their attention until now, will be able to give them the Answer. And then maybe "the Christmas that wasn't" will become a new kind of season that will be, forever and ever, all that they ever imagined if could be.

Peace on Earth,
Peace in YOU...

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Happy Birthday, Uli Jon Roth...

Legendary Scorpions Guitarist
Who Chose His Dream over Mega-Fame
Creator of the Sky Guitar
Beautiful Music
Keeper of the Hendrix/Dannemann Spiritual Legacy...
All the Best to You, Uli!

Thursday, December 15, 2005

On the Cycle of Good-bye...

"Dont be
dismayed at good-byes.
A farewell is necessary before
you can meet
And meeting
again, after moments or
lifetimes, is certain for
those who are

"The mark
of your ignorance is the depth
of your belief in injustice
and tragedy.
What the caterpillar
calls the end of the world,
the master calls a

--Messiahs Handbook
from Illusions: The Adventures of a
Reluctant Messiah

by Richard Bach

Thursday, December 08, 2005

John Lennon...Dare to IMAGINE...

John Lennon
October 9, 1940 - December 8, 1980

Dare to Imagine
Even if it Gets You Killed
Real Dreamers Never Die


Imagine there's no heaven,
It's easy if you try,
No hell below us,
Above us only sky,
Imagine all the people
Living for today...

Imagine there's no country,
It isn't hard to do,
Nothing to kill or die for,
No religion too,
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...

Imagine no possesions,
I wonder if you can,
No need for greed or hunger,
A brotherhood of man,
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...

You may say I'm a dreamer,
But I'm not the only one,
I hope some day you'll join us,
And the world will live as one.
Written by: John Lennon
© Bag Productions, Inc.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

The Worst Winter in History... AND???

Hostile weather forces people inside.
Where they have to deal with themselves.
This is what we have been neglecting.
So the weather is here to help.

Have heard from friends here and there
that things in their worlds are not going well.
What was going along ok is now a mess.
Seems like these personal/relationship storms
are producing a similar effect.
As without, so within.

So we go inside ourselves and look out
and look around and look under and in
and on and on.
Do you see what I mean?

This weather is reflecting the present condition
and dare I say, our DESIRE to be stopped in our tracks.

On some level we need to rest and reassess.
The whole social and meteorological thing IS at our command.
So we make the best of our down time.

Everything will be OK.
Just taking the steps, ya know?
Let is snow;-)


Inspired by the following article
It's About To Hit The Fan

by Phil Brennan

Go and Be Happy, OK???

Let us take time to revisit a great author, Richard Bach, creator of Jonathan Livingston Seagull. This excerpt is from his book Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah. The piece begins with an astonished crowd's reaction to their Master who has just said, "I quit..."
Enjoy! --Vim

For a moment the multitude was stricken dumb with astonishment.

And he said unto them, "If a man told God that he wanted most of all to help the suffering world, no matter the price to himself, and God answered and told him what he must do, should the man do as he is told?"

"Of course, Master!" cried the many. "It should be pleasure for him to suffer the tortures of hell itself, should God ask it!"

"No matter what those tortures nor how difficult the task?"

"Honor to be hanged, glory to be nailed to a tree and burned, if so be that God has asked," said they.

"And what would you do," the Master said unto the multitude, "if God spoke directly to your face and said, "I COMMAND THAT YOU BE HAPPY IN THE WORLD, AS LONG AS YOU LIVE!" What would you do then?"

And the Multitude was silent, not a voice, not a sound was heard upon the hillsides, across the valleys where they stood.

And the Master said unto the silence, "In the path of our happiness shall we find the learning for which we have chosen this lifetime. So it is that I have learned this day, and choose to leave you now to walk your own path, as you please."

And he went his way through the crowds and left them, and he returned to the everyday world of men and machines.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

In Remembrance... World AIDS Day

Today is World AIDS Day... again. A time to focus once again on a world tragedy and to remember those who have left us by this most courageous route. I like to think of the souls who left us in that first frightening decade as first-wave angels. Those who were lucky enough to go through it with eyes wide open, were able to face the molecular rearranging that the experience held. Many who lived superficial lives were given the opportunity to access a deeper part of themselves and come through with a very great gift indeed.

My friend George Coleman, who was a co-editor at Putnam for years before he passed on, spoke volumes when he told me, "Religion has take our Spirituality away from us. AIDS has given it back to us again." AIDS has give Spirtuality back to many of us...AIDS patients as well as loved ones looking on.

The whole experience has had the effect of a spiritual boot-camp in which many were trained to look at the world through new eyes. These are lessons that others are just now entering upon. When 9/11 happened, there was a sense in which many affected by AIDS had already "been there, done that." Not the event itself, but the dealing with the situation. The ground work had already been laid for coping with such things. We had been to hell and back and thus were not taken totally off guard to find ourselves at the doorway once more.

For this, I am greatful for the experience of front row, center seat to the AIDS drama. I did not carry AIDS in my physical body, but only in my spiritual body. Billy did the hands on work of surviving. I got to watch. We were in it together in some strange way. When he left the world in 1992, I got to stay here without him, but WITH the fortitude that the experience afforded. I doubt I am the only one. I also doubt that AIDS is the only means to this kind of fortitude... this kind of spiritual preparation that makes it possible to face the many challenges of these changing times.

So this is my salute to all of you...wherever you may find yourselves. First-wave angels and those who benefitted by their lives and deaths. You are not forgotten. Your gifts to us remain. We continue to live our lives with the strength you gave us... the strength we gave OURSELVES because of the dance you chose to dance. We love you and thank you and heed your very compelling challenge to..."Carry on."

A Story of Love, Loss, and Rebirth

Sunday, November 27, 2005

GALLERY: Happy Birthday, Jimi Hendrix...

On this day in the year 1942, Jimi Hendrix was born into the world.
A timely visitor to our lonely planet.
He was our gift.
He is with us in spirit and song.
For a tribute to Jimi and his fiancee Artist Monika Dannemann,


Friday, November 25, 2005

K Thought: And What of the Tyranny Within...

To be considered -- another timely thought by Krishnamurti...
. . . It is a most extraordinary thing that although most of us are opposed to political tyranny and dictatorship, we inwardly accept the authority, the tyranny, of another to twist our minds and our way of life.

-- J. Krishnamurti, Freedom from the Known, p. 10

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Take a Walk...

Take a walk.
Take everyone with you.
Your hopes... realized and dashed.
Your dreams... realistic and non...
Your emotions... violent, peaceful, and in between.
Judge none of them.
They are merely facets of who you are.
And you are GREAT.
Remember that.
Take you and your menagerie out into the air...
Breathe it in.
Let Mother Earth hug the lot.
Let her heal the wounds.
Let her give you strength for the tasks at hand.
Let all your passengers feel her love.
They will settle down.
They want to be loved too.
A good long walk will help.
You will be OK.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005


'I am the Lizard King
I can do anything
I can make the earth stop in its tracks
I made the blue cars go away

For seven years I dwelt
In the loose palace of exile
Playing strange games
With the girls of the island

Now I have come again
To the land of the fair, and the strong, and the wise

Brothers and sisters of the pale forest
O Children of Night
Who among you will run with the hunt?

Now Night arrives with her purple legion
Retire now to your tents and to your dreams
Tomorrow we enter the town of my birth
I want to be ready'

An excerpt from Jim Morrison's

Upside Down Trees With Something to Say...

Well, a new trend in Christmas decor is upon us. And truthfully, I think they're ON to something. Upside-down Christmas trees are now available through Target online and among others. Nobody really knows why. But the symbology of it AND the timing are quite intriguing. For generations the triangular trees have reached to the skies, pointing to the heavens in celebration of an incarnation. Almost in anticipation... as if to say, 'when ya gonna GET here.' Or could we say, pointing up there, way off somewhere to something desired but apparently unreachable.

Now with this trend I can't help but see that we've gotten our answer. Whatever us UP THERE is finally reaching back, pointing downward as if to say 'I'm on my way.' And what do we get when these two triangular ideas merge...The White Eagle lodge describes this merging of triangles like this:

The six-pointed star is actually a very old symbol, and it's not linked to any particular religion in history. Different people have described it in different ways, but one of them is to think of it as composed of two triangles. One points upward, and symbolises all our hopes and aspirations. The other points downward, and symbolises the light that comes to us, like grace. The two completely joined with no divisions, symbolises perfect balance. It means balance between the gifts of life and our gift to life.

How appropriate the symbol for these strange and transformative times... heaven now comes to earth.

Monday, November 07, 2005

A Message from Sydney Has-No-Horses...


Hi Vimala-Hope all is well with you. I am passing this on to you because I thought it was interesting and has an air of authenticity. This is rather fear based stuff which I don't recommend anyone subscribe to but is a good example of the death urge mentality on this planet which is pretty strong.

Maybe that's what we came here to heal...


[from the transcript of the Regular October Session (October 4, 2005)of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribal Council Proceedings at Eagle Butte,South Dakota]

"ROBERT WALTERS: Mr. Chairman, thank you and Council, with us isSidney Has-No-Horses. He is a medicine man from Oglala and Mr.Chariman, he has a message that he's going to all the tribes, all thereservations with that came out of a ceremony and I feel it's a goodmessage. I visited Mr. Has-No-Horses and so at this time, I'd like toget the floor for him.

SIDNEY HAS-NO-HORSES: "Mitakuye Oyasin. All my relatives.

"I'd like to get in the middle if I could, I really don't like to use the mic.

"My name is Sidney Has-No-Horses. I'm from the Pine Ridge Reservation. You probably know my father, his name was Dawson Has-No-Horses. He was a yuwipi man, a powerful medicine man. My grandfather's name is Frank Fools Crow. He was also a powerful medicine man.

"Six months ago, we had a ceremony, in this ceremony, two angels came to me and they talked to me and they told us of the devastation that would happen to the islands and the Indian Ocean.

"They told us of the earthquakes that would hit Japan.

"They told us of the earthquakes that will hit South American and they also told us of the Tsunami that wiped out all the people and they told us of the hurricanes that came to Florida, the one that came to New Orleans and the one that went to Texas. There's one more hurricane coming to wipe out another city. Two weeks ago, we has a ceremony, Sitting Bull came in and he talked to me; Crazy Horse, he talked to me; Chief Big Foot talked to me and they asked me to go to the Seven Council Fires and to the Council People and to warn all of these Fires, within six months. There's going to be a tidal wave that's going to wipe out Los Angeles. Within six months, there 's going to be an eruption in the northwest with the volcanoes.

"Two eruptions within six months. They say from the eruptions of theses volcanoes, the ash is coming, the Missouri River will be destroyed. They say the water that we drink from the ground is going to be no longer drinkable. These hardships are coming because God is bringing this. Whether you believe in Christianity, Native American Church or the traditional way, if you read the Bible, we are going into the fourth seal. There's diseases coming that are going to wipeout our children and like this man said here, meth -methaphetamine on our rez is very bad too. If we don't stop that, it's going to destroy the next generation. Many vegetables are going to be born into our tribes. When I'm done here, I am going to Standing Rock [Reservation] and I am going to stand in front of them, their council and tell them the same thing I am telling you now. This winter is going to be very cold for a long time. Ranchers are going to lose their horses and cows because it is not going to warm up. The price of propane is going to skyrocket and sometimes they are not going to be able to deliver the propane to our families. This food issue in the Bible, it says one day there will be no food in the store's shelves. If you look at the hurricane, a lot of the stores, there's no food on the shelves.

"These people lost their homes. They can't drink the water and so I come because of the mighty chiefs that talked to me and because of who I am. They tell me, I need to warn the tribes.

"Today, I came here without announcement, but to see you all gathered like this, I know God is on my side to see you gathered. The Sisseton-Wahpeton tomorrow will be gathered at 10 o'clock and they will hear what I have to hear. The Flandreau people are going to be waiting for me tomorrow evening. I 'm going up to Fort Yates here, I'm going to talk to them even if it's after hours and so I thank you very much for letting me come in and I'm thankful that I got all of you together at the same time. I offer you all a handshake.

"My name is Sidney Has-No-Horses. I'm from Batesland, South Dakota. You might want to write this down. My phone number is (removed). We incorporated ourselves through the State of South Dakota to let you know that we are serious. Within six months, we are going to be living in hell of a world and these chiefs have talked to me, and my cousins. If you ever want a ceremony, you get ahold of us and we will bring you a ceremony to let you believe. But the chiefs tell me, some of you have good hearts. Some of you have good mind. Some of you have spirituality. You are the people that will take heed on the words I bring and there's alot of people that didn't believe us when everything we told them has happened and my President, Cecilia Fire Thunder, I talked to her yesterday and she supports because everything I told her would happen to our tribe has happened.

"The power of God, he knows what he's bringing to us and in three years, as the keepers of Mother Earth, if the Seven Fires do not come together, there's going to be a meteorite that will be coming and it's going to hit off of San Francisco and they told us that the Seven Council Fires, these Seven Fires never has hate and jealousy toward each other. I've been trying to get the medicine men of Oglala to be in unity, but they can't and now God asked me to come and get all the Tribal Councils together and all the tribes together.

"That's a very hard job that he's giving me. I'm very nervous as I stand here in front of you, but I tried to look you all in the eye to let you know that I'm for real and so at this time, there are food for thought, things you can think about in the next six month and this little time you have given me. I thank you. Now I'm going to Standing Rock. I will be going to every reservation.. '

"Maybe the tribal members will get together and at least thetribal presidents will have a ceremony for all you to hear and believein God. "All my relatives. Mitakuye Oyasin."


Saturday, November 05, 2005

Remembering Laughter...

Reposting this from the BringEmOn forum...just a reminder not to take the world too seriously. "Blissings" everyone.! - Vim

This is in reponse to Namaskar's post at RMN on Saturday, 24 September 2005, 11:17 p.m. Here is the link:

RESPONSE: Thanks for posting this N. It HAS to be this way. People are making too much progress inwardly for the OUTward to be this "bad". I don't know where, dimensionally, or how, practically, it will all manifest, but I have 'done' with so much of the 'crap'. Alot of people that I know are 'getting it'. And it doesn't take ALL of us, but only a critical mass. But then again, it only takes ONE of us because the ONE is the ALL. He who saves the ONE or HIMSELF, saves the world ENTIRE. So, it's like the post I made about the movie WarGames. "But look at the screen. Does it even make sense???" Does the MESS of the world make SENSE...? NOPE.

I have a friend who did a hit of acid at some festival one summer. He came home and talked about his insights. He had laughed for hours. The message he had been given was this: "IT'S ALL FOR OUR AMUSEMENT." I think about that ALOT! If it all weren't so tragic, I'd be laughing my head off. But then, maybe a good laugh would melt the "tragic" part away, eh? Maybe Robert Plant says it best: "Does anyone remember Laughter????????" WHY NOT??? Anyways, just wanted to let you know that your post was a GOOD ONE and to thank you for it...


Remembering Laughter: One for the Road...

Hey, at least we know where we ARE, eh?


Tuesday, November 01, 2005

St.Clair: Zen of Knowing...

He stood with his back to the wall. Wearing a dark suit, a white shirt and dark polished shoes. He looked the way a Time Lord would as he passed though the corridors of time. The sun at midday set crescents of light to shape the shadows cast by the windows. Lines fell between the shadows across the stone floor. He was perfectly at home in the castle, his portal between the worlds.

The wall behind shimmered slightly and opened out into a large space filled with light. People dressed in fine flowing robes seemed to be at work in the space beyond the walls of our reality. Like a gentle rain, rays of rainbow coloured light flooded into the chamber and merged with the man standing close to the wall. How sad that most people have forgotten the Rainbow Clans, the Master Of Light has not forgotten.

Much later he turned to look at the light cast through a portal window high above the lake. Tiny rainbows turned mysteriously across his forehead. The perfectly round crystal was the mirror fragmenting the Eclipse. The same rainbow colours appear on dark mussel shells growing on the rocks beside the seashore. If you look closely enough you can see the rainbow colours of light within the dark pearl of the shellpeople. The shellfish listen to the sound of the moon passing slowly over the face of the sun.

The portal of light closed as silently as it had opened. The space beyond once more merged into heavy stone and the high pillars holding the chamber in place returned to their original form. Only the man walking back across time seemed to shimmer with the light of the portal wall, otherwise the rainbow tribes would be forgotten and humans would lose their connection with the Clans of Light across the bridge of time. ---by MStC

The invisible worlds await you. Take the journey...! -Vim

by Michael St.Clair

Monday, October 31, 2005

Frankenstein's "Volcanic" Origins...

As it turns out, it may be that one of Halloween's most recognizable characters was born as an indirect result of volcanic activity thousands of miles away. In April of 1815, an Indonesian volcano blew up, spewing dust and ash into the air, blocking sunlight and interfering with the seasons. A volcanic winter settled in over much of Europe and America the following summer.

One can almost imagine what effect the dark and cold summer days of 1816 had upon a young Mary Shelley, with it's food shortages, flooding, summer ice, and almost constant rainfall. Nothing cheery here. And somehow it explains her choice of the icy waters of the Artic Circle for the opening scene. It seems a perfect birth place for a story of a creation gone wrong. Seems that monsters and vampires were both developed during those cold and dreary days...

Here's what Wikipedia has to say:

During the snowy summer of 1816, the "Year Without A Summer ," the world waslocked in a long cold volcanic winter caused by the eruption of Tambora in 1815. In this terrible year, the then Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin, age 19, and her husband-to-be Percy Bysshe Shelley, visited Lord Byron at the Villa Diodati by Lake Geneva in Switzerland.

After reading Fantasmagoriana, an anthology of German ghost stories, Byron challenged the Shelleys and his personal physician John William Polidori each to compose a story of their own.

Mary conceived an idea after she fell into a waking dream or nightmare during which she saw "the pale student of unhallowed arts kneeling beside the thing he had put together." This was the germ of Frankenstein.

Byron managed to write just a fragment based on the vampire legends he heard while travelling the Balkans, and from this Polidori created The Vampyre (1819), the progenitor of the romantic vampire literary genre. Thus, the Frankenstein and vampire themes were created from that single circumstance.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Time Stands Still...

Clocks were turned back one hour early this morning. And Big Ben was turned OFF for repairs. In the de-powered hurricane zones, Time is gone, though slowly it encroaches. It is always amazing to see how Time can be picked up and moved around at will. For just that moment, it's illusory nature shines through. For just that moment, we are blissfully disoriented. Alarms fall silent. Appointments dissolve. The chain falls to the ground. And in that non-moment, we know how things could be. Maybe some day we'll get over it, and it's pull on our lives and we will learn to come and go with the tides and the moons and the seasons. Until then... good luck old sir... Hope they fix/ed you up good and fine! ---Vim

The Perfect Dream...

This dream was posted by Teri at the syzygyjob dream board back on January 17, 2005. The board has been rearranged twice so the post isn't available anymore. I found it as I was going through files yesterday, so here it is. Seems appropriate to post in light of recent Plame-gate events. Also, it doesn't hurt to imagine how things might go from here. Call it fodder for the future. Enjoy!
As a Sag, Have had some amazing experiences. Especially during the Mercury thing, but there are days when I can barely navigate, it hurts so bad at the emotional level. Sometimes I get the feeling that for every really great day, there has to be the opposite experience because that is where the 'great day' got its energy from. Don't know for sure. Watching it. I'll figure it out yet! Looking forward to the CME this eve.

Had a dream this afternoon that bush and cheney were arrested! And big transports were sent over to pick up all the boys in Iraq. They had temporarily put some woman in charge...someone like Sandra Day O'connor? Or at least of that stature. (She looked like Meryl Streep) And she was attending to the day to day White House while everything else got sorted out. The military were very concerned about looking like they had taken over the gov, that was why the Woman. IRS was immediately announced as having been abolished. Leonard Peltier was let out of prison and we threw a big party. MC was there and he was asking her about her dreams. ;-) And...oh, there were some members of Congress also arrested. The rest were being advised as to what was going on and why. Some of this I was hearing as tv announcements. Other parts I seemed to be standing there listening and could feel myself encouraging those who were involved.

Now THAT is a Dream!

Monday, October 24, 2005

A Lesson from the Life of Rosa Parks...

Yesterday's outlaw is tomorrow's HERO!

Take it from there... ;-)

R.I.P. ---Rosa Parks
Feb. 4, 1913 - Oct. 24, 2004

Monday, October 17, 2005

Sometimes Ya Gotta BE the Tsunami...

Sometimes, you look at your life and everything and every one settled in around you, and you look into yourself and you know that you can't maintain the status quo anymore. And you know that your own growth requires movement. The grand shift is upon you. And you know that when you make your move, coastlines will flood, structures will fall, things that were alive will die, and life as you & they know it will end forever. Sometimes you just have to look at what you are going to do to people's your own life...and then re-arrange yourself anyway. Sometimes ya gotta BE the tsunami. ---Vim
"Transformation from fate to destiny begins when a human being wakes up to face his/her patterns of behavior, seeing the soul mirror, and alters the whole configuration of the energy shell, therefore creating a completely new set of events, and a completely new human being. If everyone could be taught this magical shamanic lesson simultaneously, we could transform society within a year. Failing that, we change only ourselves, those who wish to transform our own lives. We the FEW, and with it we begin a totally new and untried future. This would then be a definition of 'co'-creation with God." ---Michael St.Clair's Passage to Peace, Ch. 13: Magi’s Passage

"Concentric Circles" by Edwina Peterson Cross

Thursday, October 13, 2005

"One Polaroid Away from Global War on Chickens..."

Must be something about all of those liberated chickens that finally GOT to the powers that be. Never fear, they are gonna do something about it. I know it's a stretch, but the two stories [Katrina Liberates Chickens and the Bird Flu Scare issue] seem related. I leave both stories for your consideration. Enjoy?!?!? --Vim

A Chicken Smokin' Pot
By James Churches

t r u t h o u t / Satire

Herbert Hoover was ridiculed for a dubious claim that he promised "a chicken in every pot," when running for president in 1928. This "promise" came to haunt Hoover during the 1932 election against FDR, when chickens were in pretty short supply.

gWb, not one to let a chicken make a fool of him, has promised to deploy Army Special Forces and Navy Seals to ensure every flu-ridden chicken does hard time in the torture coop at Gitmo.

Said gWb at the White House on October 4, 2005, concerning the threat of avian flu: "One option is the use of the military that's able to plan and move. So that's why I put it on the table." Notice, again, the food metaphor echoing Hoover.

Fearful of getting caught again with his golf slacks down ("If Katrina wants to complain some more about her kid gettin' shot in Iraq, flip her a quarter and tell her to call Bill Clinton;" "Uh, sir, that's Cindy. Katrina's the, uh, the storm;" "You got that right! She's a real windbag!"), gWb intends to pre-empt the avian flu by using the same DoD intelligence apparatus that produced rock solid proof of Iraqi WMDs and a million vats of botulism, black plague and athlete's foot.

He has tagged his favorite show-and-tell puppet, Colon Powell, to present satellite images of Asian chickens at mobile biological weapons labs on the streets of Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur (cleverly disguised as rolling stir-fry stands). Their intention? To ship avian-flu-frozen-dim-sum to the supermarkets of America! (Primarily super WalMarts, since they already have frozen dim sum factories in China.)

With actionable intelligence like this, gWb intends to attack the avian flu before it attacks us. A high White House source who wishes to remain anonymous but goes by the nickname Peckerhead reports that the president sees a bright silver lining in the looming bird flu cloud.

"He was saying the other morning over Ding-dongs and coffee that we might be able to 'kill two birds with one stone' on this deal," says the source. "We take out the chickens and Kim Jung Il's nukes in one fell swoop!"

The source claims the president is just one Polaroid away from declaring a "Global War on Chickens," which may go on indefinitely.

"Chickens is an elusive enemy. One'll pop up here, clucking about this 'er that, then BOOM, it'll disappear in the coop, blend in, see, and you can't tell fish from fowl," gWb is reported to have said.

Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld is reportedly "tickled pink" about the new assignment. He plans another "shock and awe" treatment for the misbehavin' avians, with a repeat performance of his patented "decapitation strike," just like he administered to the Butcher of Baghdad.

"You take off the top chicken's head, well now, she's gonna hop around for awhile, squirtin' blood all over the barnyard," says Rumsfeld. "If that's not a deterrent, I'm not wearing boxers with an arrow at the crotch that says, 'This way to the bunker buster!'"

Col. Sanders of Farmland Security declared that suspicious domestic chickens will be rounded up and sent to detention centers in an operation code-named "Tyson." Many birds will not be returning to their farms.

FEMA will be in charge of outsourcing the PR campaign. "We don't want the public accusing us of species profiling," says a resurrected turkey named "Brownie." To that end, an occasional duck and/or goose will be sent along for "processing."

"Herbert Hoover might have caught a chicken smokin' pot - hell, everbody ties a wild hair - but I caught 'em dead to rights plottin' a terror strike," says gWb. "I will not rest until chickens have been eliminated from the world."


James E. Churches is an oxygen-starved writer living in the mountains of Colorado. His new satire novel, Pirates of the Potomac, ships the Bush administration on a wild pirate caper aboard the good ship Liberty. It is available now at Pirates of the Potomac.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Happy Anniversary: E = mc2 [1905-2005]

Albert Einstein and I are finally becoming friends. It has taken a long while. While I am a great lover of science and mathmatics, I must confess that when I hit Physics 101 I had a personal meltdown. There was something of the abstract in light, energy, and mass that I just couldn't get ahold of. My life was in enough of a mess at the time, that only the literal, the concrete and the visibly measurable would work for me. So I bailed out.

Over the years, I have tried to read Einstein, tried to have people explain it to me, only to get to that same point where my efforts to understand would collapse in futility. "I'm a Newtonian at heart," I would say, "and there's nothin' you can do about it." Finally, one of those cool past life regressionist types clued me in that Newton and I had this thing going in a past life. "You remember what Marty was to Doc Brown in 'Back to the Future?' " Joseph said to me. "That's you." OH! and NOW I get it. I'm not just fighting an idea, here, I'm giving up a lifetime of work. And my loyalty as his faithful assistant. I mean I didn't run around retrieving fallen apples for nothing. I believed in what Sir Isaac was doing. I defined my world by his discoveries. And I apparently dragged it all in with me this time in a manner of speaking.

It came in handy some times. Like the time in 5th grade when we did that study on Light and Color. My teacher, Mr. Mills, taught the unit to the whole 5th and 6th grade that year. I took to the subject like a duck to water. I was a prism and spectrum wizard, and one of only 5 students to Ace the course.

To this day, I still use Newton's theory of color to picture what creation was and where we are headed. The white light passes through the prism, breaking it into the colors of the rainbow. That's creation. God as Light, breaking Itself into all of Its components in order to observe Itself in Its many forms and relationships. That's us, the colors. And now there's this re-gathering occurring, a reconnection of all of the many parts, coming back together through the second prism,... back into the white light. That's God re-collecting Itself to see what It is all about. We are merely Color, being Color, and reporting back to the White Light all that we ARE. Got it?

So where do ya put Einstein with all of that. I know...I'm so far behind the rest of the world. But I'm getting it finally, so don't worry too much...

My salute to NOVA on PBS for succeeding in spelling it out for me in a way that I can understand. "Einstein's Big Idea" aired yesterday, and if they're smart, they'll air it again. They broke the formula down into all it's parts including the 'squared' part, which to me, was most fascinating... that 'squared' actually MEANT something and had to be discovered like everything else. The whole formula makes sense, though I couldn't repeat it back to save my soul. But for me, if I can get the vibe of something new, sometimes that is enough. [In this case, it's a miracle!] If I know that it CAN be understood, that's all I need. But I don't grab onto it too much. 'Cause there's just too much of it. And as my whole Newtonian dilemma proves, if ya hang on too much, then the new won't be able to find it's way in. Stuff changes. Einstein is just a link in the line of what's to come. He's got his place and I salute him and wish him and his formula a Happy 100th Anniversary...and many more!

Oh... and one more thing, Mr. Einsten... don't feel too bad when you get bumped down the ladder a bit. It happens to the best of 'em!;-)


PS I guess, according to Einstein himself, there is hope for those of us who catch on late... I just read this and now I dont' feel so bad...
The ordinary adult never gives a thought to space-time problems... I, on the contrary, developed so slowly that I did not begin to wonder about space and time til I was an adult. I then delved more deeply into the problem than any other adult or child would have."
--Albert Einstein

Sunday, October 09, 2005

"Message from a Tree"

by Patty "Crow Silly"
posted at the Earthboppin Board

As I sat beside the Fire
I closed my eyes to Pray
for Harmony, LOVE and Peace
to enter Our Hearts Today.
As I opened my eyes
I looked out and saw a face
in the high treetop across the way.
I said, "Hi, Grandfather!"
and smiled , closing my eyes in Prayere once more.
When I opened them again another Tree was smiling back.
Then this Sacred Brother Tree told me a story;

There in my mind was a Tree.
It lived long and grew strong.
One day a Storm came.
Rain and Hail struck it
and Lightning split it open.
That Winter Water gathered in the crack
and ice split it even more.
In the Spring Insects lived there,
Sqirrel chewed away the bark
and picked out some fine grubs,
then Woodpecker got some from deeper within.
All this time the Tree stood silent,
never a complaint, not one grumble.
As It's last leaf fell to the Ground
It Stood there, some would say 'dead',
but It was a standing monument Praising Creator ,
It's SPIRIT still strong.

Then I saw a poor couple
wandering in the wilderness,
the Woman's belly large with Child.
The Husband found this Sacred Tree,
gathered up some wood and headed back.
He started a Fire and they kept warm beside it.
In the Night the baby was born.
I saw as the Child opened his eyes
and peered into the Flames,
remembering still the same colors
from the Womb he had just left.

Then I saw an old Man sitting beside a Fire,
breathing his last Breath and watching the final flicker.
It is the same Flame the Baby saw.
Then I saw the two of them,
the Baby and the Elder,
sitting side-by-side
around a Fire in the Heavens,
where They were One.

Bits o' this 'n' that...

I had a dream last night.
In it, I heard someone say,
there is nothing left to do...
...but dance!
Shall we????:-)

Today is John Lennon's 65th birthday.
Happy Birthday, John!

PS: It's still ok to Imagine!

"You may say I'm a dreamer,
but I'm not the only one,
I hope some day you'll join us,
And the world will live as one."

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Check out the New Gallery Post...

I didn't realize I'd be reviewing music over at the gallery, but I heard something last week that I felt required some attention. I've tried my best to put it all down for you. Feel free to click on over there and check out my take on techno/world music innovator Todd Clark's recently released CD experience, "OWLS in OBSIDIAN". It's a fascinating trip I hope you will want to take...

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Reflections on a Solar Eclipse...

I remember the first time I realized that you could poke a hole in a piece of paper and that the image of the eclipsing sun would shine through onto another paper held below. Freaked me out!

And then to realize you could poke a multitude of holes in the paper and every one would project a perfect image of what the sun was doing at the time. There was something of Divinity in it. That one main ball of Light, projecting itself a million times in it's entirety. And then to realize that this was always happening...that EVERY little squeek of sunight that passed through ANYwhere was projecting the totality of it's source. Just like us. Just like me. Just like everything.

They say that creation was an act of God fragmenting Itself into all that is, in order that It might know Itself. Perhaps that is so. Perhaps we are a zillion little suns, dancing on an early Fall afternoon. Fragments, and yet NOT. Rather, totally complete, totally Light, totally Divine.

This photo was posted at It was taken in Germany yesterday during the solar eclipse and shows a multitude of solar projections that made their way through the trees and onto the ground. For more photos of yesterday's solar events, check out's eclipse gallery [two pages].

Monday, October 03, 2005

OCT 3: Solar Eclipse births the Phoenix


Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Should this work endure...

When my brother died of AIDS on this day in 1992, I didn't realize that his death would bring me Life beyond all my imaginings. I just felt lost. I didn't want him to come back, I wanted to go with him, wherever that was. But it didn't happen. Instead, I stayed here and began to Live. His gift, I guess. And unexpected. So, I salute him today, wherever he is and whatever it is that he's doing. You are the BEST, Billy. I love you...Cle.

This is the Forward to the book I wrote about Billy and me and the whole adventure. It is entitled Safely Through the Fire: A Story of Love, Loss, and Rebirth.:

"Should this work endure into an age when understanding, acceptance and compassion are the rule of the day, I want the reader to know that there was a time in the history of mankind when it was not so. Against the dark social backdrop of fear, superstition, and intolerance, some souls shown as brilliant stars, reminding us that there was indeed a better way. My brother was such a Star. Within these pages, I have offered the reader an opportunity to gaze upon the night sky of the disease called AIDS, and to discover that contrary to public opinion, it is ablaze with the welcoming light of love, peace, and hope."
Read and enjoy! ---Vim

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Humane Community Formed at SuperDome

We were led to believe that our human family at the SuperDome [Correction: these events took place at the Convention Center, rather than the SuperDome] devolved into nothing more than animals, looters, and ignorants. But this first hand account from a reluctant participant in the SuperDome drama, paints a picture of humanity, care, and compassion that re-enforces my faith in our fellow man. In dire circumstances, we are capable of great things. We know we are the world. We know we are each other.

by Peter Berkowitz

Peter Berkowitz is a staff attorney at a Massachusetts prison. He was traveling in New Orleans with his wife Bruni & son Ernesto when the hurricane hit. They were there because Ernesto was planning to start his freshman year at Loyola of New Orleans. What follows is his letter to his 80-something mother. It was forwarded to the PEACE-LIST at Syracuse University by Carole Resnick on Wednesday, September 14, 2005.



"Our community on the walkway was interesting. One day a reporter came by and asked me if we had a "mayor" ... we didn't. Everyone worked. Everyone joined in. Everyone did the job that made them most comfortable. And everything functioned. And as people joined us, they automatically joined in the work. There were differences, but everyone worked.

When there was talk about leaving or looking for ways out, it was discussed collectively. There was always a sense of staying together and getting out as a group. There was also nastiness, and racism, and comments about "the people down there" in the Convention Center. We intervened with a lot with people in our group who were blaming all the "people down there" for the violence. We intervened when reporters started to come and were told that "the people down there" were looting and killing. We told them that they were doing just what we were doing -- doing what was necessary to survive in desperate circumstances.

[VIM: after several days of false alarms, the buses finally came to take them out of the city...]

"The National Guard told us we had to vacate the walkway and go down onto the street to await the buses. Of course we refused. We told them we had a community here that was self-sufficient. There was no need for us to be on the street and in the sun for nothing. That here, we were supplying food, medical services, etc to ourselves and to anyone who had a need. By this time, we had about five or six elderly and incapacitated people in our group. They had been left behind by a hospital when they evacuated. They were with a nurse who had been abandoned with them.

We pointed out that our sick could not go down. We had another nurse in our group who was very well spoken, and helped convince the National Guard that we had to stay for reasons of the health of the children and the elderly. So we stuck together and stayed on the walkway. Nobody left until we finally saw the buses, and were assured that everyone would get out. And then we marched out together as a group, with much of the group still intact."


Saturday, September 24, 2005

In The Midst of Emotional Tsunamis, What Do We Do?

This piece was written by Susan Letourneau and was posted at SpritWind's blog on the 13th of Septemeber. I am reposting it here because I found it to be both timely and helpful. Again, use your own discernment... take what works and leave the rest.---Vimala
In The Midst of Emotional Tsunamis What Do We Do?
by Susan Letourneau

As North America reels in the chaotic wake of Katrina, those of us accustomed to the comfort of American culture are reminded of the vulnerability we share with every other human on Earth. We are all, literally, in the same boat.

Just as we did when the tsunami struck, we can send money, food and prayers to New Orleans, but what do we do with the overwhelming emotions we feel as we watch the massive scope of this disaster unfold?

What do we do with our shock at the death and suffering we witness? With our grief over children’s loss of parents, and parents' loss of children? Beloved pets stranded and abandoned? Fear of more such storms in the future? Despair over the years of rebuilding ahead? What do we do with these overwhelming emotions, both our own and those of the people directly affected?

An answer to this question may lie in the Buddhist practice of “tonglen”, which is a way of using our bodies to transmute the energy of personal and global suffering through the simple act of breathing in distress and breathing out relief.

The effects of this practice are many. Buddhists believe that through this inch by inch process we can gradually reduce the level of suffering in the world while dramatically diminishing our own. The technique has the effect of penetrating the armor which imprisons the softness of our hearts. The insightful quote: “A man in armor is his armor’s slave”, reflects the dilemma we find ourselves in when we recognize that the defenses we have so carefully built up over a lifetime of unconsciousness are now holding us hostage. To the degree we are defended, we are not available to life. To the degree we are not available to life, we are deadened and numb.

The practice of tonglen can facilitate the reawakening of our childlike softness and along with it – our joy. You may wonder if this is a good thing -don’t we need all those defenses to survive in this world? A Course in Miracles would agree with the Buddhist viewpoint when it says: “My defense lies in my defenselessness.” The background to this point of view is the subject of another article, but suffice here to say that if you understand and subscribe to that viewpoint, tonglen is a way for you to begin to move into the softness of your own heart, while helping those suffering, not only in New Orleans, but everywhere in the world.

If you would like to experiment with this practice, follow these four steps:
1. Begin by intending to be in a state of openness and stillness.

2. Imagine you are breathing in dense heaviness and breathing out lightness. Imagine your whole body is breathing through all of your pores.

3. Identify a painful situation in the life of someone you care for which you would like to change. Begin to imagine breathing it into your own body, and breathing out relief in whatever form might be useful to them. Often this step will bring up feelings of fear or inadequacy in the practitioner. If this happens, breathe in these emotions for the benefit of yourself and all others who may be having similar feelings of fear. Then breathe out confidence or relief or whatever you think might help. Do this until you have a sense of balance between your in breath and out breath.

4. Expand the scope. Imagine you are doing this process for more than one person, more than for a small group - expand it to larger and larger groups. Do this practice at your own pace and as often as feels right to you. In so doing, you will feel your heart open wider and your compassion expand, and from under that compassion will begin to spring joy.
By participating in tonglen, you will give a great gift to yourself, your fellow man, and to the planet.

Susan Letourneau is a spiritual counsellor who since 1986 has been assisting others to access their inner resources.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Calling Capt. Scott Burke: I want to see who you are!

Dear Captain Burke,

You are a true hero!
We needed you badly and you came through for us.
It is beyond me why no one has bothered to interview you,
or take your photograph.
I want to see the man that lifted our spirits and that nose wheel until the very last minute.

Here's my email:
Write me!
I want to say thanks to you.
I want to make sure you know what it meant to a brow-beaten country to watch you land that plane.
We ALL want to thank you.

Perhaps you have been asked and declined the interview.
Perhaps you told them "no pictures."
But you don't need to do it for the media.
Just do it for us.
We are just people who prayed you home safely.
We wished and WILLED you home in one piece.

But YOU...
YOU did the real work.
You brought the magic.
You made the miracle.
And I'd like to see you face to face.

With all respect and honor,

Don't ya hate it when they let the good ones get away...;-)

ADDENDUM, Monday, September 26, 2005:
Here he is!
"He's a pretty laid back, nice guy" they say.
Many thanks for the inspiration!
...And here's to a safe landing for everyone!

Check out article "JetBlue Pilot from Raleigh"

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Reader: True Energy or An Alternative Approach

With the world in the apparent condition it is in, it can't hurt to consider alternative ideas. What we've done so far hasn't worked. Major shifts in how we think and approach life are in order if we are going to get out of the proverbial rut.

I received this note today and deemed it worthy to throw into the mix. It is a short article introducing a phenomenon called Solar Healing. I am posting it here as a FWIW. As always, use your own discernment, i.e., take what works and leave the rest. At the very least, I hope this will serve to get some of us 'out of the box', so to speak, and into the realm of new possibilities.

A lot of attention has been devoted of late to energy so I thought I would present something of interest. Since I believe we are in a planetary cycle of transmutation that may or may not revolve around 2012-17 (it could be sooner) and I also believe that there is a way out from all of this (graduation? ascension?) So many souls on the earth waiting for something to happen...also the Big Boy planet Pluto (major transformation/regeneration/death/rebirth) is transiting the Galactic Core (gateway/cosmic chakra center/portal to other planes of consciousness, Source Point)

next part...

What is a true paradigm shift? This is when we are introduced to an idea that changes our way of being that is outside of any prior patterns of existence, that we implement and that affects millions of others too. I believe that the passing of Pluto over the GC will introduce us to the paradigm shift and that the process has begun and that we are on the cusp of the changes now. If we could move out of conflict in the mind and exist in a state of peace within our own selves and get to a point of free energy this would certainly constitute a paradigm shift. Yes individuals have attained these states (Yogananda, Babaji) but the masses have not followed suit so no paradigm shift is in effect.

I believe a part of the puzzle towards the shift is being implemented in a quiet revolution that is sweeping the earth but hasn't reached the larger masses as yet. This next step can be attained through solar gazing. Hira Ratan Manek (HRM) has attained a state of spiritual sovereignty through staring at the sun [VIM: FIND OUTHOW AND WHAT THIS MEANS BEFORE YOU DO IT!] and charging the software of his brain. As a result he has not taken any solid food for ten years.

Just think about millions of people no longer slaughtering animals for food or spraying pesticides that contaminate the land air and water. No more scenes of starvation or fears of famine. No more political or economic manipulation based on food supply. The time that would be freed up because we no longer need to stop for food consumption, food shopping, washing dishes, no need for sewerage systems etc. This is a paradigm shift in the true meaning of the word because it challenges the fundamental assumption that energy needs to be derived from food. Food is a secondary source of sunlight. Food traps the sun's energy, which is what we actually seek.

A mind in conflict is one of the primary drains of the brains energy. Once the brain and body are charged by the sun's photons we also eliminate the need for a medical establishment, drugs, counseling, diseases. We are in a natural state of peace.

This is a paradigm shift the world has never known. The Internet can make it possible and this is why I have contacted you. Thanks for your website, truly a pleasure.

Here is the link ... SOLAR HEALING

My thanks to Sparkfx for this info. ---Vim

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

New Post at the Gallery...

I have just posted a new, actually a FIRST piece at my Gallery blog. Go on over and check it out. It offers a strange twist on a familiar painting. Hope you enjoy... THE STARRY NIGHT.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Gamma Ray Bursts, Earth Changes, and Our Cosmic Evolution...

I have been debating on posting something I found that may add some light to the phenomenon of Gamma Ray Bursts. [Check them out here.] Have decided to go for it. There is still debate about their cause and source. They are thought to be energies released at the explosion and collapse of distant stars. A theory. Members have been observing their effects at various earth changes boards [e.g. EarthWatchers, SyzygyJOB].

It seems that there is a correlation between the bursts and increased solar activity. Secondarily this increased solar activity seems to affect the frequency and magnitude of earthquakes, plus weather related phenomena. It also has notable human effects. These may be random, but lately it seems the GRBs themselves may to be the culprit. I have read with interest the writings of a man who spoke of such similar light bursts or “light bullets” back in 1935. He predicted a day would come when these could be measured. With the era of the Swift Satellite upon us, I am wondering if GRBs may be what he was referring to. This is all conjecture and a for-what-its-worth idea. But I thought I’d post this for others to at least consider. The upshot is that in observing the GRB phenomenon we may in actuality be in the process of observing ourselves creating something new. It’s just a thought…

Excerpt is taken from Volume 3 of Baird T. Spaulding’s Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East, first published in 1935:

Now we can see creation going on all the time, as creation is caused by the radiation of cosmic light vibrations generated in the great Cosmos: and this radiation is the great universal life or light energy that sustains all and is called the Father of radiation or vibration. It is the Father of radiation because its radiation will shatter any other radiation or vibration. In reality it only sets them aside in order that other forms may take their place.

When our body vibrates in tune with Spirit vibrations, we are light vibrations, the greatest of all vibrations, God the Father of all vibrations.

It will soon be proved that these cosmic rays constitute such a terrific bombardment that they are destructive to so-called matter. These rays are from the source of all energy, the Father of all elements, the source from which all elements come. This is not destruction, this is transmutation from so-called matter to spirit form.

It will soon be known that these cosmic rays have such tremendous penetrating power that they penetrate through all mass, shattering as it were, the very heart or nucleus of a so-called atom, transmuting it into atoms of other substance and thereby creating other elements of higher order; and in this way, creation advances into a higher emanation of pure light or life itself.

These radiations, which have such tremendous penetrating power, are readily distinguished from all radiations coming from the earth or sun galaxy and have complete control over all these radiations or vibrations. It will soon be known that these radiations come from a universal source, unseen, and that the earth is continuously subjected to a terrific bombardment of these rays that are so potent they change or transmute atoms of one element into the Infinite particles of another element. It will also be found that when this cosmic ray strikes the nucleus of an atom, it does shatter it. It separates this atom into the minute particles of another substance, causing transmutation from a lower to a higher element. Thus, these radiations do not destroy matter; they transmute it from a lower to a higher element – from the material to spiritual.

This higher element is as man dictates; it is higher as he names and uses it for a higher purpose. When man stands forth in spiritual vibrations, he can fully determine and regulate these rays and their mode of action.

Thus to man, standing in spiritual vibrations, transmutations is going on all the time all about him. Transmutation is but creation in the higher sense. Thus all are created where they stand. Creation never ceases; it is continuous, never ending. [taken from pages 131-132]

There is also this “which came first the chicken or the egg” idea. Some say that the outer disturbances are an outer manifestation of our inner selves. If we are re-arranging ourselves in the inner worlds, it is bound to show up in the outer. Not to worry. This is not disintegration of life, but transmutation. We are remodeling our world. “Out with the old” is part of it. “In with the new (and better and improved)” is guaranteed.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

R.I.P. Jimi Hendrix...

Jim Hendrix
"Forever In Our Hearts"
November 27, 1942 - September 18, 1970
Rock In Peace

Friday, September 16, 2005

New Orleans: Can We Ever Really "Go Back"

News sources are reporting that the French Quarter will re-open soon. A new beginning. The Great Return. It has come a little sooner than most thought. It has surprised many that it is happening at all. But it is happening. And so we walk back in. We clean the streets. We open the shops. We pour the beer and don the re-strung beads. But can we ever really 'go back.' You see, there is a new dance partner waiting on the floor. And a new type of ale being poured with each shot. Something that wasn't there before. And it is ground into the very molecules that make up The Big Easy. It has a name...


Awareness of what? Awareness of ourselves, our vulnerabilities, our significance, our insignificance. Awareness of our capabilities, our failures, our inequities, ...our connection. Strangers used to pass with our indifference. But now we know one another. Not by name... but by heart. We each know what the other has endured. We know what the other has survived. And that is a knowing that may fade in time, but it will never disappear.

The very ground itself for all of its apparent toxicity, is now sacred. Something of great significance has happened here. Compare it to the great battlefields of the world. Or Hiroshima. Nagasaki. We may even find one day that this was the payback. Pre-planned and manipulated. All the more reason to sit back and re-think the life that we have lived here. All the more reason to face ourselves, to see ourselves as we really are. We have the opportunity. Katrina has put the proverbial sand in our shoes. We may put them back on. But they will never feel as comfortable as they once did.

New Orleans may try to become what it used to be. We may set up shop and attempt to carry on as if nothing is new here if nothing has changed. But can we ever really 'go back'? Maybe. Maybe we can. But I hope we never do.

Monday, September 12, 2005

We Are All of It...

I cringe at the news lately. I don't want to look. I am appalled by what we are capable of. I am also humbled by our greatness. Such a grand mix. I see what I love about me. I see what I refuse to forgive. Dark cats of the inner night stalking me. Huge shadows. I run. I avoid. I attack. I process. Still, the darkness remains. Exhaustion. I give up. So now I sit upon the earth. The beast crawls silently into my lap. I allow it. It settles in. Curled up and gone to sleep. I stroke it's furry head. She purrs. And a rainbow tear escapes my eye. It is all me. ---Vim

"When there is a division between the observer and the observed there is conflict but when the observer is the observed there is no control, no suppression. The self comes to an end. Duality comes to an end. Conflict comes to an end.

"This is the greatest meditation to come upon this extraordinary thing for the mind to discover for itself the observer is the observed."

---Jiddu Krishnamurti, 2nd Public Dialogue, Brockwood Park, England, 6th Sept. 1973

Friday, September 09, 2005

Shall I Tell You What I Find Beautiful About You?

OK, here's another movie.
There are some great lines in cinema.
This time it's Starman, by John Carpenter.
The film is about our haunting flirtation with a cosmic brother.
We invite him.
He comes.
And takes on the form of a dead housepainter in Wisconsin,
chamingly portrayed by Jeff Bridges.

But "we don't like what we don't understand.
In fact it scares us."
[That's a Beauty and the Beast line from Disney.]
Officials chase him all over the countryside,
while he tries to reach a rendevous point in the desert.
With the help of the housepainters widow and one fearless scientist he makes it.
But not before the ET has observed the human species in
it the most extreme conditions.

And just before he leaves our strange world,
the Starman says:
"Shall I tell you what I find beautiful about you?"
Of course!
We want to know!
That you find ANYthing beautiful in the hell we've put you through...
Chasing you hither and yon.
Drooling over the possibility of dissecting you.
After all.
You are an unusual specimin.
An experiment.
OUR experiment.
Trying and failing to 'get it right.'
What could you possibly find beautiful about US???

"Shall I tell you what I find beautiful about you?
You are at your very best when things are worst."
Our best???
I think of this lately.
Humanity is presently on display in all of its varied colors.
Victims, survivors, saviors, evangels, angels, and demons.
All here.
All colors.
And things are definitely pretty bad.
Probably at their worst in a long time.
But still there is beauty.
Still the varied stars that we are, shine.
We are finding inner resources we didn't know we had.
We are finally seeing things that have long been in front of our faces.
We are contemplating, moving, doing.
We are inwardly and outwardly ... 're-arranged.'

And slighly airborn and off kilter something beautiful shines through.
We are at our best...
I hope he's right.
"Shall I tell you what I find beautiful about you?..."

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Will We Ever Arrive?

We have already arrived. Our present experience is just us, in the process of remembering how we got there. We have accomplished what we came to do. Now we are observing how we did it.
I hope we are taking notes.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Katrina: Washing Away the Piscean Age

My thanks to Namaskar for the following piece.

First let me emphasize that our sincerest prayers are with disaster victims-- always and everywhere.

All week I have been brewing on the broad esoteric implications of what is happening. The Illuminati are not the only ones to understand ritual and symbolism. But they use these precisely, with often exruciating results....

Someone (Jasmine?) called Lousiana the "root chakra" of our country. As such it is the center for energy that is focused on fear, survival and supply of basic needs. It is the center that responds to the 3rd chakra's alert for "fight or flight" and is thus activated--or imobilized-- by FEAR. In last week's disaster we saw both "flight" and (remain and) "fight" in individuals' responses.

I cannot escape the enormous symbolism of our nation's root chakra being "baptized"--not by fire, but by water---ocean water--Piscean water.

Most RMN readers know that we are at the end of the Piscean Age. (No one has an exact date, as it involves a long period and overlaps with the next Age: Aquarius.) For those not conversant with astrology, an "earth age" is roughly 2160 years long, or 1/12th of the roughly 26,000 cycle called the "Platonic year" -so named because Plato described it following his studies in Egyptian mystery schools.

Jesus' symbol is the fish and as Lord of the Piscean Age he was/is the "fisher of men". Pisces rules the following aspects of earthly existence: martyrdom (!!) victimhood, chemicals, POISONS, DRUGS, OIL, sea travel, (with exploration and conquest), film, ILLUSION (magic), mysticism, rituals, institutions (schools, prisons, hospitals), the past, and most obviously water and the SEA. Pisces is ruled by the planet Neptune, Greek god of the Sea. The symbol for Pisces is two fish tied together in their middles, but straining to swim in opposite directions, pulling against each other. Duality: good and evil, dark and Light, always somehow balancing. Now do I have your attention? Does all this remind you of what is going on in our world at present?

Astrologers have noted that when one Earth Age phases out it might exacerbate all the negative characteristics of that particular sign.... sort of the last kick of the donkey as it finally leaves the stable. But negatives are always balanced by positives, so watch for the "gifts" that result from the current Gulf disaster. Just as with 9/11 and OKC we see Americans rushing to help with anything they can offer. Our individual and collective heart chakras were blasted open increasingly on each of these occasions, and never quite closed down to pre-disaster stages.That is a DIVINE GIFT! The "return of the Christ" is seen by many to mean awakening of heart energy, compassion and unconditional love. We have seen these qualities poured out worldwide by ordinary people.

As the Aquarian Age gradually takes over, let us look at some of the characteristics of that sign. First off, despite its misleading name, it is NOT a water sign, but an air sign. We are now coming to realize that the "water bearer" is actually pouring endless energy, not water, from his "water" jar. Tesla type endless energy. (Some might say he is ridding us of the "water sign"...) Aquarius also rules: electricity, sound and light frequencies (lasers and new healing tools), electronics, computers, air and space travel (exploration and conquest), sovereignty/self-rule, individual responsibility, group consciousness and cooperation. It is the opposite of a monarchical kingdom, tyranny or fascism. Communal cooperation is a hallmark, but early on got corrupted by the Marxists. Forerunners of the Aquarian Age, the French and American and Russian revolutions were all fought in the name of the "common man" against the excesses of monarchs and tyrants.

Because we still have dwindling Piscean influences fighting for dominance, we are living in "mixed" or chaotic times. The violent clash of the tornado air (Aquarius) with the ocean (Pisces) resulted in a disaster that in my opinion may have marked the actual crossover point of the Ages. (I hope it's the only one, and will not be repeated!) I'm sure Michael St. Clair will have some further input on this idea.

Have we finally washed away the Piscean Age and moved almost fully into the Aquarian Age? I personally feel that's what the "2012" is all about..the final "end of the Piscean world" and the start of our bright new Aquarian world of universal peace!

Let us continue to receive the Divine gift of Christ Consciousness as we willingly open our hearts and hands to our brothers and sisters in need.

Blessings to all beings~~ Namaskar

Article was posted at Rumor Mill News on 9/14/05. Here is the LINK.

Everybody's Gotta Win...

Everybody's GONNA win!!!

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Gas Prices: 'Take a Stand' or 'Have a Seat'

Interesting perspective on gas prices by Daniel at The Reconnections. I let it speak for itself:

Ah yes, my friends.........emotions run high at this time. However, we may want to remember to enlist the Oneness Stance on this issue, as well as others. What is this reflection (high gas prices) bringing to ME, ABOUT ME......?

One thing to ponder: My SOUL SELF is MAKING ME PAY DEARLY for using OUTSIDE energy sources rather than my own, innate creative energy. If we frag out (project out) our creative power........and sense of RESOURCE..........(to doctors, lawyers, politicians, power vendors and such), to things OUTSIDE......the COST for doing that will keep getting dearer and dearer, until we create our own "source" for it.

Down the line, we will find that this will apply also to use of the Internet as well. That will be our true invocation to use of our INNER NET.......innate etheric communication. Deep remembering.......psychic internal connection. No muss, no fuss. Just go inside and VOILA!

This happened with sugar, coffee, alcohol, cigarettes, prescription drugs, even soda pop. It starts out cheap, so you learn to DEPEND on it. Once upon a time, gas was 29 cents per gallon, and three guys would check your oil, wash your windows, and fill up the air in the tires. When we forgot about other sources and ways of living, the price begins to soar.

It's not the fault of the people who gouge us. It's our own ALARM CLOCK, awakening us to REMEMBER..............I usually like to avoid using these boards as organization points for rebellion or political action........except that which would send us into our own inner process. However, this seems like a great time and place to explore this idea......


Friday, September 02, 2005

We Will Save Ourselves...

Five days in to the events unfolding in New Orleans.
Five days of watching the apparent incompetence of the powers that be.
Five days without water.
Five days without food.
Fives days of watching ourselves fading away at the Superdome.
And that’s it.
Citizen rescuers have gotten off of their couches,
filled their trailers, vans, anything they can find with food and water.
Down the road they go.
If it’s going to get done we will do it.
A breakthrough.

We learned to defer early in our lives.
Our creative juices put aside for coloring between the lines.
Numbers and letters straight as an arrow.
No room for flare.
Mother knows best.
Teacher knows best.
Uncle Sam knows best.
‘God’ knows best.
“Do what we say.
Think what we think.
Give us your power and we will take good care of you.”
Reversing the creative flow.
‘Inward out’, becoming ‘outward in’.
And we defer.
Someone else will do it.
Someone else will take care of it.

Then we watch and we read and the Myth of Reward by Deferment becomes shattered.
The Cavalry does not arrive.
No one is listening.
No one is there.
But WE are there.
WE are listening.
We hear ourselves.
We hear our own cry.
And we answer.

“For as much as you have done it unto the least of these my brothers, you have done it unto me… And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward.”---Jeshua ben Joseph

--inspired by word that private citizens are now bringing food and water to the souls stranded in a dying New Orleans

Thursday, September 01, 2005

The Good Side of Evil OR The Great Cosmic Joke

We ARE powerful beings with COSMIC INFLUENCE. When our minds go in the same direction, we can accomplish much. I read the following recently which addresses this. MAYBE it is the purpose of all of the MESS of the world to get us all going in that same direction. We think things are out of control, when perhaps they are right on target. Is anybody really RIGHT or WRONG when the point is to turn ALL minds toward something NEW/DIFFERENT/BETTER... Something more suited to the great beings we ARE... So that we might actually bring it about? In that regard, we are all comrades. In that regard, we all agree. In that regard "evil" is doing us a great service. ---Vim

But at the higher levels all energy always goes in the same direction. We are always being supported at soul levels to achieve the grand plan for our best interests and everyone and everything is in on it with us.

This is why George W. Bush was re-elected as president of the United States once again. This beautiful soul is in it with us as he has agreed at a soul level to provide a very severe contrast so that as many as possible will choose to summon something different.

The more individuals that agree to summon something different, the better. This summoning then creates an energy of desire that co-mingles with the planetary alignments and integrates with the new higher vibrating human, and results in the change necessary and the initiation of the creation of the New World . Yes, there is always much support here to fulfill this divine plan of ours, as we needed to be assured of success. All was in alignment in every arena.

In the higher realms there is no polarity. It is accepted and widely known that at lower levels of reality, polarity (or what appears to be darkness) only exists to support us in summoning something different.

A common scenario that represents this concept is when one partner in a relationship has an affair or abruptly leaves another. Many times this occurs so that the “abandoned” partner will be forced to move forward and into the new territory that they were meant to inhabit. All souls deeply love each other, and always support each other if even in a world where conscious awareness is thwarted by a lower vibrating existence behind the veil.

[I posted this at BemO on Monday, August 22, 2005 at 10:51 a.m. It just seemed like a good thing to re-post and re-member here on the other side of the river.]