Sometimes, you look at your life and everything and every one settled in around you, and you look into yourself and you know that you can't maintain the status quo anymore. And you know that your own growth requires movement. The grand shift is upon you. And you know that when you make your move, coastlines will flood, structures will fall, things that were alive will die, and life as you & they know it will end forever. Sometimes you just have to look at what you are going to do to people's your own life...and then re-arrange yourself anyway. Sometimes ya gotta BE the tsunami. ---Vim
"Transformation from fate to destiny begins when a human being wakes up to face his/her patterns of behavior, seeing the soul mirror, and alters the whole configuration of the energy shell, therefore creating a completely new set of events, and a completely new human being. If everyone could be taught this magical shamanic lesson simultaneously, we could transform society within a year. Failing that, we change only ourselves, those who wish to transform our own lives. We the FEW, and with it we begin a totally new and untried future. This would then be a definition of 'co'-creation with God." ---Michael St.Clair's Passage to Peace, Ch. 13: Magi’s Passage
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