I read this yesterday and it still lingers today.
Therefore it I deem it worthy of posting here.
There is more to it and you can read it all by clicking here.
But this is the part that haunts me.
Here ya go...
IF YOU ARE GOING TO RAISE THE KUNDALINI, YOU START AT THE BASE. The word chakra is Sanskrit for wheel or disk and signifies one of seven basic energy centers in the body. Each of these centers correlates to major nerve ganglia branching forth from the spinal column. In addition the chakras also correlate to levels of consciousness, archetypal elements, developmental stages of life, colors, sounds, body functions, etc..
In the sometimes stuffy halls of Esoterica, it has been indicated that New Orleans is the Base Chakra of the United States. Without much imagination, the corollary between base-chakra energies (sex!) and New Orleans is quite the big easy. And, if one is to raise the vibration of the entire body, one must start with the transmutation of the base chakra. The raising is accomplished using energy vortexes(increasing the spinning to throw-off the effluvia) to "purify" the lowest vibration, so that the "new energy" can ascend all the way up to the crown (chakra).
This purification (NOT judgement) is not a mental exercise which can be debated and casually discussed over morning coffee. This is life-altering, emotionally shattering experience. Far in the past, this energy-raising initiation could easily result in death if the aspirant brought anything less than the Truth to the experience. The raising of this energy is for the Heart, nor for the mind. We will see ourselves as we really are. We will be revealed in total, not as disparate and disjointed entities, but as the conglomerate that we are.
Wish our brothers and sisters all the best. . . they will need it!
Many thanks for the post RML.
PHOTO is the symbol of the base chakra. It is known as Muladhara Chakra or Brahma Chakra.
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