Sunday, August 28, 2005

A Perspective on "Disasters" and Prayer...

An historic hurricane is bearing down on the vulnerable city of New Orleans. Prayers are appreciated, but HOW to pray is the question? Here are some thoughts. Comments are always appreciated.
Can anything happen that is not agreed to on some level by those involved?
Isn't there a oneness to the consciousness of man?
I know, this is metaphysics and not all agree.
But do we really KNOW that this "disaster" is NOT a good thing.
Do we KNOW that the people of the area did NOT agree to it?
Like anything that happens… a divorce, a death of a loved one, loss of investments in the stock market... you name it...
Is it not possible that the souls involved have CALLED for change and this is the means to do it?
My prayers did not save a loving brother dying of AIDS.
My prayers did not save my marriage.
But my heart's desire was answered in those two losses.
I did not see it at the time.
But with the benefit of passing time and perspective, I now know that they were the prompts I called in, to take me to the next level in life.

On some level we are all longing for change.
That is why we complain so much!
Have we listened to ourselves lately?
We WANT things to be different.
Should we pray away the MEANS to that END???
We can pray for the BEST possible outcomes.
And then accept that what is appearing under our feet is "the path" at the moment.
It is NOT a matter of "laying down and taking it."
It is a matter of pulling back and seeing things for what they are.
And allowing the changes to occur.
We are so afraid of being swept downstream and yet downstream is where we long to be.
I will pray for my fellow citizens in harms way.
And I will honor the outcomes for the sacred steps that they are.


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