Sunday, June 17, 2007


There is no way that you can position yourself in life and not still be 'in life.'
Sadness is limitation...this life.
Happiness is still this life.
It is ALL still this life.
Nothing lasts.
You can position yourself in happiness but you are still here...human...maya.
It's all still NOT us as we truly are...limitless...eternal
We've got to figure this out.
And when we DO figure this out, we'll still be here in all our restricted human 'glory.'
For some reason we've chosen this way.
I guess divinity is insane!
Nothing will help.
Learn this and be free.
How does knowing we're 'trapped for the duration' help us or free us.
Because we know our efforts to get out are pointless.
So we stop trying to get out and enjoy our captivity.
Is this it?
Is this the key?
Rolling his stupid rock up the stupid hill over and over again?
What a fool!
I always say, get the heck off the hill.
Let the rock roll.
Leave it there.
Go do something real which is nothing.

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