Sunday, April 30, 2006

Forget Being An American... It'll Help...

"Through nationalism you can never come to human unity, to world unity. By your beliefs, ideals, prejudices, the unity of man is ever being broken up. There must be organized planning for the well being of man, and that can be brought about only when nationalism and class distinction, with their exploitation, no longer exist. If you really felt for the whole of mankind, you would then see the immense necessity for a complete human action, which can come about only when you cease to talk in terms of nationalities, of classes, of religions."
-Jiddu Krishnamurti


Claire Vimala Anderson said...

I received this comment to this post and am posting it here for your consideration:

world unity is NWO theology. I dont like wall to wall people, the UNLAWFUL ALIENS are pushing the people in southwest to the northwest, no place to fish no place to hunt no freedom. Crime is up dramitically, old diseases here again, plus new ones comming over the border. People need to fix their own countries,and stay there, we are having enough trouble trying to take back our own. This is all social enginering, problem, reaction, solution. We are being brought down to third world nation status to merge into a one world sitution. No raceism here, none intended, just national and personal survival. The latino people as well as us are being used as cannon fodder, this is sad. Best to you. Monte

Claire Vimala Anderson said...

thanks for the comments Monte
it helps me see where i have not been clear
for one... I am not in favor of NWO world unity either
but we ARE all being used as cannon fodder
this is our common ground
we ALL wish to be free to be what and who we are
Mexians and Americans etc alike
this we have in common with ALL of the USED and MANIPULATED peoples of the world
the more we talk of us and them, the more we DON't see the big picture
what drives the Mexicans HERE
they do not have fair treatment perhaps?
the solutions lie in preserving this "fairness" for ALL of us don't you think?
Can the problems be solved when WE win and THEY lose
i'm not talking about the dark forces... i'm talking about we the people of the world
ALL of us...