Monday, April 10, 2006

Our Two Most Important Investments...

I cannot remember who wrote this or said this. It has been many, many years since I heard it. But when asked what the most important investments are that a person can make in light of the coming changes and economic instability, the answer that was given was this:

The two most important investments a person can make are:



Learn how to DO things. And buy the tools you need to do them. Not everyone can buy silver. Not everyone has cash on hand for gold. But when plumbing goes bad, the man or woman who can fix a leak will be the millionaire. We will be bartering for services some day... probably sooner than later. But if we KNOW things, like how to grow medicine, bake bread from scratch or how to fix a car engine, then we will have something valuable to trade.

It isn't only about precious metals, although by all means, go that route if you can... But it is also about learning a new way of functioning in smaller networks. Make a list of everything you know how to do. Make a list of the tools you have to do it with. Buy what you need while you can. And then be willing and ready to offer what you have to the people around you.

And above all, don't panic. All the elements are present. They will rearrange a bit and then proceed. We are all important cogs in the new wheel... remember that!


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