Friday, December 23, 2005

Matty: Is Life Really so HARD???

This post is amazing in that it comes from Ian Xel Lungold's widow Matty [Mayan Majix]. If ever life should seem hard or fearful, it should be for her, and yet she has spoken volumes in these few lines. Enjoy the read and take it to heart... May we be aware of our fears, and banish them with knowledge and gratitude of heart. This IS our time, our hour.
Be fearless,
Be EASY:-)

The ethics committee is gaining momentum, those who continue to reside within that ‘power’ station are losing ground, when they don’t have ‘fear’ to feed on, they will perish. . . so, when ever you find yourself being frightened, notice it, then you can create newly what you want, rather than what you don’t want. . . This is our time to ‘speak’ straight, LISTEN to yourself as closely as you listen to others. . . what I hear the most is; how HARD it is, “it’s so hard to change” well, yes, if you say so. . . look at that statement, is it hard to change? Is it really? Why would you make it so hard, who’s in there? Who’s speaking?

From the Oxford American Dictionary
1: Firm, not yielding to pressure, not easily cut. 2: difficult to do or understand or answer. 3: causing unhappiness, difficult to bear.

Is this the way you perceive yourself? I don’t think so. . .

So, drop that word, drop should, and why, drop ‘it can’t happen’, or 'it won’t happen', drop fear, get yourself a box, or a paper bag, write them down, say a prayer, give thanks for your life, and burn them, gather yourselves together; remember what the Hopi said, banish the word struggle from your attitude and vocabulary… this is our time, our time to gather our family, the fourth night is where the children step out and into the spot light, the bible said, “the children will lead us.”

The lessons are done, now, it’s for us to ‘remember’. . . knowing who you are, knowing, remembering that you are a spiritual being, having this human experience. . . we chose this time, we’ve chosen it because of the New World that we’re creating, you and me. . . remembering that LOVE is our foundation, the straight is so clear, whatever you’ve piled on top of the love, it’s time to peal it all off, polish it up, spit shine.

Make it so you can see your reflection, aah, the beautiful one is here, welcome back. . .


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