Thursday, December 29, 2005

HARM NONE: Is this possible or advisable?

"First, do no harm" is part of the Hypocratic Oath. We are advised to do as we will, as long as we don't hurt anyone. Harm none.

But is this possible, probable or advisable.

Even a surgeon, in his effort to repair damaged organs, must first make an incision. This is harm. The body does not distinguish between a surgeon's knife or the knife of an attacker. It is a wound. It is 'harm' to the physical body.

"Do as you will as long as we don't hurt anyone." None of us will do this if we are being threatened, restricted or manipulated in any way by another.

Richard Bach, in his book Illusions, pointed this out. The messianic character conjured up a Dracula-type dude to make his point. The character wanted to drink the student-messiah's blood, in order to LIVE! The student said NO and threatened to deck the vampire if he came any closer... which would, of course, leave the vampire not only decked, but starving.

Ya see...? HARM.

If our desire for self-preservation, self-fulfillment, independence, whatEVER, requires us setting someone ELSE out of the way, then we will do it. Right? I can say this because I have spent alot of my energy TRYING to do no harm, and often to my own detriment. It is the tendency of many to try and please those deemed more powerful... to "take it", lest we hurt somebody.

HOWEVER, if someone steps on your toes and won't get off and you really want them off, you just might have to SHOVE them and SHOVING them might hurt them. The point being, if they are harmed in the process of the shoving, in essence they are harming themselves. I mean, they wouldn't get off your toes, now would they. "Harm none" can trap us if we aren't careful. Who else will be our champion if not we ourselves. Oh well...

Now if I can just figure out how all of this applies to life on planet earth, I'll let you know. In the meantime...

Do what you will... HARM if you HAVE to,


PS That being said, it is NEVER advisable to SHOOT ONESELF IN THE FOOT!!!

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