Monday, January 23, 2006

It's OK to be Wrong...

I am in the interesting position of being able to observe folks who are still hanging on to the party line and "official version" of life on planet earth. And in observing, it seems that the thing that stands in the way of there being any shift off of that view is this fear of being wrong.

It isn't easy to admit that. I guess it is part of the pre-conditioning we all received with the grading system in math class and the heaven-hell scenerio of Sunday school. There is a right and there is a wrong side to everything. A+ is preferred and sought after. Heaven seems "cooler" than hell;-). It's nice when God likes ya.

So people hold to their positions, no matter how off they may be shown to be because for them it has been the right and correct version. So that being said, it appears that in the case of beliefs, being WRONG has the greater valor. To be able to admit a wrong ALLOWS for a rearranging of beliefs or thoughts into something that may actually be better in the long run. To be able to replace beliefs, beloved as they are, with evidential knowledge is even better.

Ya gotta hold these things with an open hand -- not get too settled. As Truth goes, in personification, it seems that Real and Noble Truth will allow itself to be surpassed. Truth will allow itself to be changed. It will not insist. It will flow like the river. It will keep up with you. As our servant rather than our master. I may be a bit off on that, but the fact remains that until we are secure enough and clear enough to allow the possibility of Mistakeness into the realm of possibily, we are gonna remain stuck.

Oh... by the way, the great Riddle of God is that Everybody is Right. You do know that don't you? I know, so why am I saying this here and now? Hey, I can be WRONG, too can't I??? ;-)


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