Thursday, March 30, 2006

For the Odd and the Thwarted: You May Be "Indigo"

There is light in this world. If you were born in the 60's - 80's [or slightly before or after], and feel like you've always been the oddball on the planet, you may be what is called "Indigo". Harships you have experienced may be part of a Dark Agenda to keep you de-activated. The website posted below offers a list of characteristics that you may be familiar with... I am posting this here as an exercise in empowerment. To know who and how we are, gives us focus and perhaps will serve to activate us into the best purpose/life we can offer in these changing times.


These are some of the qualities and challenges that First Wave Indigos experience. Most Indigos can relate to at least 90% of this list:

~ Were born en masse between 1969 and 1987 (With stragglers before and after).

~ Highly intelligent in their "Own Way."

~ Are literally "wired differently" than other people.

~ Many have strong or unusual Psychic and Telekinetic abilities.

~ Have extraordinary levels of compassion.

~ Can relate well to children and or the elderly.

~ Many times get along better with animals and nature than people.

~ Have a bond/connection to the trees, and nature in general.

~ Creative, inventive, and very intuitive.

~ Involve themselves in human/animal rights efforts.

~ Have an innate sense of "oneness" and connectedness to all of creation. Get confused and disturbed when others don't share their reality of "at-one-ment."

~ High capacity for love, and therefore others may feel uncomfortable by their intensity.


~One trademark that a high % of First Wave Indigos have, is living through extreme hardships as children, teenagers, and young adults. Many were born into family situations that were physically, emotionally, spiritually and psychically abusive. These Indigos had to figure out how to balance and keep their inherent integrity levels, while being subjected to painful and life shattering experiences. A large % were inplanted in such horrendous situations as: organized crime, physical abuse, sexual abuse, and even ritual/cult abuse & mind control. It is also common for First Wave Indigos to have some kind of Alien encounters.

[There seems to be a Dark Agenda on this planet to keep Indigos from waking up and taking on the mantle of power they have inside. That is why so many Indigos have been sucked into such harsh and debilitating environments. The dichotomy is, that Indigos innately know that in order to transform the corruption, pollution, and dysfunction on this planet, you have to go inside to the core or mind of the system to know how it operates and thus how to change, alter and bust that system. Indigos came here to bring order and balance back to a planet in chaos…..and headed for distraction. I believe that Indigos are the 5th element that has come as part of "The Cosmic Clean-up Crew" to rid the planet of corrupted consciousness and physical/energetic diseases that are imprisoning, destroying and mutating all life forms here! ]


Monday, March 27, 2006


can I write
about that
with which I have
no experience
I grasp
and you disappear
how I stare
with longing
at that box
into which
I will

Death's Gate...

No wonder I am fascinated by Death
It is the portal, the vortex, the stargate
The nearer I am to it
The closer I am to me
I came from there
Will I see anyone from home?
Just one glimpse of the soup from which I sprang?
Death – gate – bridge
Death angel – knows
Knows me
Knows mine
Brings me sights and sounds of home
May I pass through?
Must I still wait?
How can anyone be afraid of you?

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

The War We Can Do Something About, But Will We?

Something to consider:

"All outward forms of change brought about by wars, revolutions, reformations, laws and ideologies have failed completely to change the basic nature of man and therefore of society.

"As human beings living in this monstrously ugly world, let us ask ourselves, can this society, based on competition, brutality and fear, come to an end? Not as an intellectual conception, not as a hope, but as an actual fact, so that the mind is made fresh, new and innocent and can bring about a different world altogether?

"It can only happen, I think, if each one of us recognizes the central fact that we, as individuals, as human beings, in whatever part of the world we happen to live or whatever culture we happen to belong to, are totally responsible for the whole state of the world.

"We are each one of us responsible for every war because of the aggressiveness of our own lives, because of our nationalism, our selfishness, our gods, our prejudices, our ideals, all of which divide us.

"And only when we realize, not intellectually but actually, as actually as we would recognize that we are hungry or in pain, that you and I are responsible for all this existing chaos, for all the misery throughout the entire world because we have contributed to it in our daily lives and are part of this monstrous society with its wars, divisions, its ugliness, brutality and greed - only then will we act."

--Juddu Krishnamurti, FREEDOM FROM THE KNOWN

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Iran and the Upcoming Solar Eclipse... March 29

I received this email from my friend Sparkfx regarding the energies of the upcoming solar eclipse on March 29. I am posting it for your consideration. Be informed and be NOT afraid. These things must come to pass, but pass they will. As without, so within. We can use these times to observe ourselves and our thoughts and our own inner conflict/s. To see is to be free.

Iran could get hot this week...a friend of mine is an accomplished astrologer (vedic) I mentioned to him today I thought the upcoming eclipse could involve iran based on some of my own analysis and this is what he just sent back...

"Regarding the upcoming eclipse, it's a nasty one...besides the fact it falls on the day of the Vedic new year (meaning it'll set the tone for the whole year) the nakshatra it falls under is uttara bhadrapada, symbolized by the funeral cot. Of course this portends continued losses of life through war, famine, and natural disasters, and the negative effects of rainfall and agriculture in various parts of the world--and it's one of a set of nakshatras called “the scorching pair,” so I expect to see fire involved, too.

"And this eclipse falls at 14 degrees Pisces, which puts it in an exact conjunction with the Moon of Iran. So this likely brings Iran to centerstage in terms of world politics...could very well be the way you see it!"

From my view I see the Pluto/Galactic Core/Hades aspect but the eclipse could be quite a trigger especially conjoining Iran's moon!!!!! Wow

Take care, Sparkfx

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

My Kind of Test...

Somebody play the theme from 'Twilight Zone' for me!
Just killin' time and dabbling in the mystical.
Check out their site...
if you DARE!;-)

take the psi-q psychic test yourself

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Thoughts at a Lunar Eclipse...

In this confusing world, perhaps the better question to ask is NOT 'what is the answer' or 'what is the solution' but rather, 'WHY do we NEED the answer/solution.' I say this because every once-in-awhile, I stop myself mid-search [take your pick on what it IS that a person could search for], and I look at myself in that searching process and it suddenly begins to look pure-silly!

Here I am, a goddess, a divine energy, royalty. And I'm here in the denser worlds rummaging around and trying things on for size and I get so engrossed [fascinating word] in this place that I momentarily FORGET who and what I am and actually believe myself to be 'lacking' in some thing or bit of information. And then I panic and go on the proverbial rampage, looking for this or that and just hoping something will fill in the gaps of whatever it is I think I've lost. I am momentarily consumed.

But then this little nudge happens and I stop for a moment and I LOOK at myself and the fog clears and I remember! The actual fact of the matter IS: We lack nothing, inCLUDing answers. Our questions are a diversion. Our research is a distraction. Our foray's into the jungle of problems and solutions and questions and information are all great things to keep us from the simplicity of who we really are.

To ask is to never know. To search is to never find. The answer comes in abandoning the search. For to SEARCH is to assume that something is lost. Right? I know it's a bit 'out there' but the whole idea is hitting me with the moon gone dark momentarily and all the energies gone to hiding at the same time. When she re-emerges, we'll see what comes to light with her.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Taking Matters Into Our Own Hands...

To the pseudo-governments of the world in any and all forms in which they appear:

You will never figure yourselves out.
You pull at us and prod and waste our time.
Always front and center.
You hog center stage with all of your wheelings and dealings and manipulations.
Nobody matters but you.
You are the big bad wolf huffing and puffing and blowing our houses down.
You count on us to watch you in horror and adoration.
You You YOU are all that matters.
But you're not.
I hope you don't mind if I walk out.
I got things to do.
All those things you "claim" concern about and power over.
All those things that never get done.
All those things you regulate and control and push us away from.
Well, that's where I'm heading.
That's what I'm gonna do.
Join me or stay outta my way.
We don't really need you.
Never did.
We can do it ourselves.
Always could.
The game is up
We’re taking matters into our own hands.
The private sector abounds.
And when you finally collapse in a heap and hopelessness, I'LL be here, I'LL care, WE'LL be helping YOU without the red tape and magic hoops to jump through.
Just stand back.
We’ll show you how it’s done.

Rant by Vim

Sunday, March 05, 2006


“Everything is sorrow.” – the Buddha

I have tried my whole bag of tricks
Anything to make it not so
My highest joy and deepest grief
All experienced in this limitation
My joy is limited
By this body
By this life
This confinement
This sentence imposed upon my life
At the beginning of beginnings
And over and over again
Take thy God-ness
And wrap it up tight
Pretty packages
Dreadful packages
Evil and Good and Indifferent packages
And ne’er a ray of light be seen
Shining from within
Sealed off
Veiled over
Roped off am I
All is sorrow
Everything "trouble as the sparks fly upward"
Is the bag empty?
The few remaining tricks are tossed
I get it now
No need to continue
The experiment of limitation…
Designed to reveal limitation
Is a supreme success