Thursday, March 30, 2006

For the Odd and the Thwarted: You May Be "Indigo"

There is light in this world. If you were born in the 60's - 80's [or slightly before or after], and feel like you've always been the oddball on the planet, you may be what is called "Indigo". Harships you have experienced may be part of a Dark Agenda to keep you de-activated. The website posted below offers a list of characteristics that you may be familiar with... I am posting this here as an exercise in empowerment. To know who and how we are, gives us focus and perhaps will serve to activate us into the best purpose/life we can offer in these changing times.


These are some of the qualities and challenges that First Wave Indigos experience. Most Indigos can relate to at least 90% of this list:

~ Were born en masse between 1969 and 1987 (With stragglers before and after).

~ Highly intelligent in their "Own Way."

~ Are literally "wired differently" than other people.

~ Many have strong or unusual Psychic and Telekinetic abilities.

~ Have extraordinary levels of compassion.

~ Can relate well to children and or the elderly.

~ Many times get along better with animals and nature than people.

~ Have a bond/connection to the trees, and nature in general.

~ Creative, inventive, and very intuitive.

~ Involve themselves in human/animal rights efforts.

~ Have an innate sense of "oneness" and connectedness to all of creation. Get confused and disturbed when others don't share their reality of "at-one-ment."

~ High capacity for love, and therefore others may feel uncomfortable by their intensity.


~One trademark that a high % of First Wave Indigos have, is living through extreme hardships as children, teenagers, and young adults. Many were born into family situations that were physically, emotionally, spiritually and psychically abusive. These Indigos had to figure out how to balance and keep their inherent integrity levels, while being subjected to painful and life shattering experiences. A large % were inplanted in such horrendous situations as: organized crime, physical abuse, sexual abuse, and even ritual/cult abuse & mind control. It is also common for First Wave Indigos to have some kind of Alien encounters.

[There seems to be a Dark Agenda on this planet to keep Indigos from waking up and taking on the mantle of power they have inside. That is why so many Indigos have been sucked into such harsh and debilitating environments. The dichotomy is, that Indigos innately know that in order to transform the corruption, pollution, and dysfunction on this planet, you have to go inside to the core or mind of the system to know how it operates and thus how to change, alter and bust that system. Indigos came here to bring order and balance back to a planet in chaos…..and headed for distraction. I believe that Indigos are the 5th element that has come as part of "The Cosmic Clean-up Crew" to rid the planet of corrupted consciousness and physical/energetic diseases that are imprisoning, destroying and mutating all life forms here! ]


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