Sunday, March 05, 2006


“Everything is sorrow.” – the Buddha

I have tried my whole bag of tricks
Anything to make it not so
My highest joy and deepest grief
All experienced in this limitation
My joy is limited
By this body
By this life
This confinement
This sentence imposed upon my life
At the beginning of beginnings
And over and over again
Take thy God-ness
And wrap it up tight
Pretty packages
Dreadful packages
Evil and Good and Indifferent packages
And ne’er a ray of light be seen
Shining from within
Sealed off
Veiled over
Roped off am I
All is sorrow
Everything "trouble as the sparks fly upward"
Is the bag empty?
The few remaining tricks are tossed
I get it now
No need to continue
The experiment of limitation…
Designed to reveal limitation
Is a supreme success

1 comment:

gary j. introne said...

Well, I read it and I hope you can make it. Your message shows a supreme awareness of the 'situation' while at the same time it reflects a sadness at the reality of its perfected success. Wish I could be there to bring the boat in - but remember, the water stays calm, the surface serene and the currents are always sure - after the storm which passes has passed. I want to say 'after', but sometimes it's even 'during'. Stay to the light, you miracle.