Saturday, March 18, 2006

Iran and the Upcoming Solar Eclipse... March 29

I received this email from my friend Sparkfx regarding the energies of the upcoming solar eclipse on March 29. I am posting it for your consideration. Be informed and be NOT afraid. These things must come to pass, but pass they will. As without, so within. We can use these times to observe ourselves and our thoughts and our own inner conflict/s. To see is to be free.

Iran could get hot this week...a friend of mine is an accomplished astrologer (vedic) I mentioned to him today I thought the upcoming eclipse could involve iran based on some of my own analysis and this is what he just sent back...

"Regarding the upcoming eclipse, it's a nasty one...besides the fact it falls on the day of the Vedic new year (meaning it'll set the tone for the whole year) the nakshatra it falls under is uttara bhadrapada, symbolized by the funeral cot. Of course this portends continued losses of life through war, famine, and natural disasters, and the negative effects of rainfall and agriculture in various parts of the world--and it's one of a set of nakshatras called “the scorching pair,” so I expect to see fire involved, too.

"And this eclipse falls at 14 degrees Pisces, which puts it in an exact conjunction with the Moon of Iran. So this likely brings Iran to centerstage in terms of world politics...could very well be the way you see it!"

From my view I see the Pluto/Galactic Core/Hades aspect but the eclipse could be quite a trigger especially conjoining Iran's moon!!!!! Wow

Take care, Sparkfx

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

its interesting that within that week or so iran tested both an ultra-speed torpedo that they implied no u.s. ship could avoid and a rocket with multi-warhead capacity that again was reported to be stealth/invisible to u.s..

youd think our govt would have the same?
im a little taken aback by our non-response to such claims.