Sunday, October 30, 2005

The Perfect Dream...

This dream was posted by Teri at the syzygyjob dream board back on January 17, 2005. The board has been rearranged twice so the post isn't available anymore. I found it as I was going through files yesterday, so here it is. Seems appropriate to post in light of recent Plame-gate events. Also, it doesn't hurt to imagine how things might go from here. Call it fodder for the future. Enjoy!
As a Sag, Have had some amazing experiences. Especially during the Mercury thing, but there are days when I can barely navigate, it hurts so bad at the emotional level. Sometimes I get the feeling that for every really great day, there has to be the opposite experience because that is where the 'great day' got its energy from. Don't know for sure. Watching it. I'll figure it out yet! Looking forward to the CME this eve.

Had a dream this afternoon that bush and cheney were arrested! And big transports were sent over to pick up all the boys in Iraq. They had temporarily put some woman in charge...someone like Sandra Day O'connor? Or at least of that stature. (She looked like Meryl Streep) And she was attending to the day to day White House while everything else got sorted out. The military were very concerned about looking like they had taken over the gov, that was why the Woman. IRS was immediately announced as having been abolished. Leonard Peltier was let out of prison and we threw a big party. MC was there and he was asking her about her dreams. ;-) And...oh, there were some members of Congress also arrested. The rest were being advised as to what was going on and why. Some of this I was hearing as tv announcements. Other parts I seemed to be standing there listening and could feel myself encouraging those who were involved.

Now THAT is a Dream!

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