Monday, September 19, 2005

Gamma Ray Bursts, Earth Changes, and Our Cosmic Evolution...

I have been debating on posting something I found that may add some light to the phenomenon of Gamma Ray Bursts. [Check them out here.] Have decided to go for it. There is still debate about their cause and source. They are thought to be energies released at the explosion and collapse of distant stars. A theory. Members have been observing their effects at various earth changes boards [e.g. EarthWatchers, SyzygyJOB].

It seems that there is a correlation between the bursts and increased solar activity. Secondarily this increased solar activity seems to affect the frequency and magnitude of earthquakes, plus weather related phenomena. It also has notable human effects. These may be random, but lately it seems the GRBs themselves may to be the culprit. I have read with interest the writings of a man who spoke of such similar light bursts or “light bullets” back in 1935. He predicted a day would come when these could be measured. With the era of the Swift Satellite upon us, I am wondering if GRBs may be what he was referring to. This is all conjecture and a for-what-its-worth idea. But I thought I’d post this for others to at least consider. The upshot is that in observing the GRB phenomenon we may in actuality be in the process of observing ourselves creating something new. It’s just a thought…

Excerpt is taken from Volume 3 of Baird T. Spaulding’s Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East, first published in 1935:

Now we can see creation going on all the time, as creation is caused by the radiation of cosmic light vibrations generated in the great Cosmos: and this radiation is the great universal life or light energy that sustains all and is called the Father of radiation or vibration. It is the Father of radiation because its radiation will shatter any other radiation or vibration. In reality it only sets them aside in order that other forms may take their place.

When our body vibrates in tune with Spirit vibrations, we are light vibrations, the greatest of all vibrations, God the Father of all vibrations.

It will soon be proved that these cosmic rays constitute such a terrific bombardment that they are destructive to so-called matter. These rays are from the source of all energy, the Father of all elements, the source from which all elements come. This is not destruction, this is transmutation from so-called matter to spirit form.

It will soon be known that these cosmic rays have such tremendous penetrating power that they penetrate through all mass, shattering as it were, the very heart or nucleus of a so-called atom, transmuting it into atoms of other substance and thereby creating other elements of higher order; and in this way, creation advances into a higher emanation of pure light or life itself.

These radiations, which have such tremendous penetrating power, are readily distinguished from all radiations coming from the earth or sun galaxy and have complete control over all these radiations or vibrations. It will soon be known that these radiations come from a universal source, unseen, and that the earth is continuously subjected to a terrific bombardment of these rays that are so potent they change or transmute atoms of one element into the Infinite particles of another element. It will also be found that when this cosmic ray strikes the nucleus of an atom, it does shatter it. It separates this atom into the minute particles of another substance, causing transmutation from a lower to a higher element. Thus, these radiations do not destroy matter; they transmute it from a lower to a higher element – from the material to spiritual.

This higher element is as man dictates; it is higher as he names and uses it for a higher purpose. When man stands forth in spiritual vibrations, he can fully determine and regulate these rays and their mode of action.

Thus to man, standing in spiritual vibrations, transmutations is going on all the time all about him. Transmutation is but creation in the higher sense. Thus all are created where they stand. Creation never ceases; it is continuous, never ending. [taken from pages 131-132]

There is also this “which came first the chicken or the egg” idea. Some say that the outer disturbances are an outer manifestation of our inner selves. If we are re-arranging ourselves in the inner worlds, it is bound to show up in the outer. Not to worry. This is not disintegration of life, but transmutation. We are remodeling our world. “Out with the old” is part of it. “In with the new (and better and improved)” is guaranteed.

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