Thursday, September 22, 2005

Reader: True Energy or An Alternative Approach

With the world in the apparent condition it is in, it can't hurt to consider alternative ideas. What we've done so far hasn't worked. Major shifts in how we think and approach life are in order if we are going to get out of the proverbial rut.

I received this note today and deemed it worthy to throw into the mix. It is a short article introducing a phenomenon called Solar Healing. I am posting it here as a FWIW. As always, use your own discernment, i.e., take what works and leave the rest. At the very least, I hope this will serve to get some of us 'out of the box', so to speak, and into the realm of new possibilities.

A lot of attention has been devoted of late to energy so I thought I would present something of interest. Since I believe we are in a planetary cycle of transmutation that may or may not revolve around 2012-17 (it could be sooner) and I also believe that there is a way out from all of this (graduation? ascension?) So many souls on the earth waiting for something to happen...also the Big Boy planet Pluto (major transformation/regeneration/death/rebirth) is transiting the Galactic Core (gateway/cosmic chakra center/portal to other planes of consciousness, Source Point)

next part...

What is a true paradigm shift? This is when we are introduced to an idea that changes our way of being that is outside of any prior patterns of existence, that we implement and that affects millions of others too. I believe that the passing of Pluto over the GC will introduce us to the paradigm shift and that the process has begun and that we are on the cusp of the changes now. If we could move out of conflict in the mind and exist in a state of peace within our own selves and get to a point of free energy this would certainly constitute a paradigm shift. Yes individuals have attained these states (Yogananda, Babaji) but the masses have not followed suit so no paradigm shift is in effect.

I believe a part of the puzzle towards the shift is being implemented in a quiet revolution that is sweeping the earth but hasn't reached the larger masses as yet. This next step can be attained through solar gazing. Hira Ratan Manek (HRM) has attained a state of spiritual sovereignty through staring at the sun [VIM: FIND OUTHOW AND WHAT THIS MEANS BEFORE YOU DO IT!] and charging the software of his brain. As a result he has not taken any solid food for ten years.

Just think about millions of people no longer slaughtering animals for food or spraying pesticides that contaminate the land air and water. No more scenes of starvation or fears of famine. No more political or economic manipulation based on food supply. The time that would be freed up because we no longer need to stop for food consumption, food shopping, washing dishes, no need for sewerage systems etc. This is a paradigm shift in the true meaning of the word because it challenges the fundamental assumption that energy needs to be derived from food. Food is a secondary source of sunlight. Food traps the sun's energy, which is what we actually seek.

A mind in conflict is one of the primary drains of the brains energy. Once the brain and body are charged by the sun's photons we also eliminate the need for a medical establishment, drugs, counseling, diseases. We are in a natural state of peace.

This is a paradigm shift the world has never known. The Internet can make it possible and this is why I have contacted you. Thanks for your website, truly a pleasure.

Here is the link ... SOLAR HEALING

My thanks to Sparkfx for this info. ---Vim

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